Stand Off

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"Thanks for the pizza." Tommy said as Todd handed him the box. 

"You're welcome, my guy. Enjoy!" Todd shut the door behind him and locked it leaving Tommy to his meal. Tommy went back to his bed and sat down, tentatively opening the square box. The smell coming from it was heavenly. 

Tommy had never had pizza before and as he saw the cheesy, round thing, he regretted it. 

When he took his first bite he nearly groaned with pleasure. The pizza was just like the smell. Heavenly. 

Tommy grinned as he started on his second piece. He would be feasting tonight. 


Tommy woke to another painful spasm, his body convulsing involuntarily in the bed. He almost cried out in frustration. Again? What was going on with him. 

The strange stinging exploded into being, with a ferocity that stunned Tommy in his pain. How could anything hurt this much? It felt like someone was forcing white hot nails into his back. Tommy screamed into his pillow, the sound muffled. 

Should he call Todd and ask to go to a hospital?

No, he didn't trust Todd enough. 

Tommy convulsed as another spasm hit him and the stinging crept up his back, up his neck and to his face. He screamed in agony as black stated to dance at the edge of his vision.

No. He fought to keep his eyes open. He would not pass out here, where he was vulnerable. 

The stinging spiked and Tommy cried out. The darkness forced itself onto him and Tommy vanished, drowning in the void of unconsciousness. 


"Wilbur?" Tommy said as they walked down the main road.

"Yeah, Tommy?" Wilbur replied, smiling down at his little brother. Tommy had been thirteen then, holding his brother's hand. 

"You're not going to be a Hybrid are you?" Tommy asked, fear in his blue eyes. 

Wilbur laughed at that and Tommy felt more at ease. 

"Of course not, Tommy, once I have taken the elixir me and you are going to get out of here, okay?" Wilbur said. 

"You promise?" Tommy asked, looking into Wilbur's dark eyes. A shadow flickered behind those cunning pupils. 

"I promise, Tommy." Wilbur said. 

As the sixteen-year-olds lined up, Wilbur threw Tommy a thumbs up to where he was standing in the crowd. Tommy smiled back faintly. His brother wouldn't be a Hybrid would he?

Surely not. 

But as Wilbur drank the elixir and stepped back, Tommy knew by his steely face that Wilbur was trying to fight the inevitable transformation. 

His facade melted and Wilbur collapsed to the ground, crying out in pain as two huge shapes curled up from his back, tearing his clothes in the process. A long sinew snake appeared behind him and twisted in the air. 

The guard lunged forward and grabbed the shrieking sixteen-year-old. Tommy watched in horror as they forced his brother to his knees. As they leveled the rifle at Wilbur, those dark eyes found Tommy in the crowd. 

Wilbur mouthed a single word. 


The shot pierced Tommy's heart as Wilbur fell, red spurting from his chest. Tommy watched, breaking, as they loaded his brother's form into the van and drove away. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now