Underlying Threats

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Tommy screamed in pain as Zack sliced down his thigh, his voice hoarse and cracking. Dried tears caked the sides of his face. His body had no fluid left so shed and the stained hospital gown told enough. 

He didn't know how long he had been here, how long they had left him with this sadist. Why were they doing this? 

Tommy started to fade once again, his vision turning black. The relief of restless sleep loomed over him and he accepted it. He wanted to go and leave this pain behind. 

An agonizing zap connected with his side and Tommy jerked awake.. again. That taser was always pressed to the same spot next to his ribcage. Tommy knew without looking at it that the skin was burned to a crisp, probably black and bleeding. 

Through all this that cruel smile never left Zach's face. 

Tommy didn't know what they wanted from him or why they were putting him through this endless torture. He only knew pain. 

"Ah ah ah," Zach sneered. "Can't go drifting off now." 

He sliced another cut into Tommy and laughed mirthlessly. This time, Tommy didn't scream, he only stared at the ceiling in agony. As Zach shocked him again, Tommy felt himself start to fall. 

He was falling down, down, down... away. 

Zach zapped him, once, twice but Tommy didn't respond. His body was past the point of agony. 

Tommy fell deep into the void and stayed there. 


Philza sighed tiredly as he sat down. It had been another long day and he was exhausted. The people expected him to know what to do and his answers didn't satisfy them. 

He had finally found a good spot to hide them, a small cave under a mountain. He watched the people settle down for the night from an alcove. Tomorrow would be another long day.

He saw Niki waving at him from a pool down below and he leapt from the alcove, gliding down to her. She was tired too, he could tell by the dark bags under her eyes, no doubt like the ones his own eyes.

"Phil we need a plan." She said. "They want Wilbur back." 

"I know." 

Phil had never expected it of them to just let Wilbur go and accept him. He wouldn't have either. Wilbur had proven himself time and time again and if there was anyone who deserved to lead these people, to be their hope and anchor, then it would be Wil.

"We need to find them." Philza said softly and Niki nodded. 

"But how?" 

"I don't know, but we'll have to start somewhere. I'll fly out tomorrow and look around for a town. My wings are easily concealed with a cloak." 

Niki looked worried but nodded. 

"It would be a good place to start." 

They sat there, watching the people put children to bed. 

"You should get some sleep." Phil said to Niki. 

"So should you." She said a yawn escaping her. 

"Yeah, goodnight, Niki." He said as she smiled, slipping under the water. 

Phil flew back up to the alcove where he could survey the cave. They would be fine here for the night, but for how much longer? Food was scarce without their gardens and the wilderness outside would not be enough to sustain them for much longer.

Phil settled down but didn't allow himself to sink into sleep. Someone had to watch over them tonight. 


Tubbo walked into the main area of the prison, his hands cuffed before him. They had taken his horns from him a while ago. Maybe a week or so, he didn't know. 

At least they had allowed him a cell next to his father. Tubbo had taken his mattress and blankets and put them beside the glass, his father doing the same. They slept side by side, so close and yet so far. 

The lunch bell had rung and Tubbo, his father and a few other human hybrids had been led into the hall. They stood in a long row, ready to accept their slop for the day and walked to their respective tables. 

"Where is Techno?" Tubbo asked as they sat down. Usually the dark-haired man would join them. Schlatt had a worried look on his face but smiled at Tubbo. 

"Don't worry, Techno can handle anything they throw at him." 

Yeah, Tubbo thought, back when he had the power of invincibility. 

Not anymore though. 

They didn't even have Bad anymore. The scientists had taken him away.

Someone sat down beside Tubbo and he jumped. 

"Calm down." Techno's gruff voice met his ears and Tuboo sighed with relief. 

"Are you okay?" Schlatt asked and looked at the man. Tubbo stopped at the tone in his father's voice. 

Tubbo looked at Technoblade and saw the slightly puffy eyes, the pale skin, the lack of a confident composure. 

"I... I have something to tell you guys." Techno said and Tubbo stopped his spoon mid-air. 

Schlatt's eyes darkened a bit. This could mean nothing good. 

Techno seemed to try and pull himself together and Tubbo realized how dire the situation must be if the man was actually showing weakness. 

"I..." A deep sigh escaped Techno and his sunk into his hands. 

"Yeah?" Schlatt say and reached over the table, laying a comforting hand on his friend's arm. 

Technoblade looked up and nodded dejectedly. 

"I'm sick." He said. 

"Yeah, Techno, you look sick." Schlatt said but then saw the empty look in Techno's eyes. 

Tubbo got the feeling this was more than a cold. 

"What is it?" Schlatt asked.

Technoblade looked at him and blinked slowly, silver lining his eyes. 

Was Technoblade crying?!

"Cancer..." He muttered.

Tubbo's mouth fell open in shock and Schlatt froze. No. There was no way in hell that Technohad cancer. What about 'Technoblade never dies'?

"How bad?" Schlatt asked softly. 

A tear ran down Techno's cheek. An actual tear. He didn't even bother to wipe it away. 

"Months?" Shclatt prodded. 

Techno shook his head. 

"Weeks?" His father had gone pale. 

"No." Technoblade whispered and looked up, tears filling those brown eyes. "I'm counting the days.."

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now