On the Road Again

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"Wow, Tommy, you look so cool!" Tubbo exclaimed as they ran down the white halls. Tubbo didn't seem to be able to get over the fact that Tommy had wings and a tail and spikes and.... 

It didn't impress Tommy nearly as much. All he wanted to do was live out his life as a normal person, to fulfil the dream of his dead brother. Though Wilbur had broken his promise to Tommy, Tommy would not break his part of it. 

He would live a normal life, away from all this trouble. 

They ran up a flight of stairs and entered another seemingly endless hallway. 

"Where are we?" Tommy asked. 

"In the south prison, little over an hour away from L'Manburg." Captain Puffy said. 

"How did you know I was here?" Tommy asked again. They had been running for quite a while and yet, despite the distance and the addition of heavy wings on his back, Tommy didn't tire. In fact, he felt he could run for miles. 

"Tubbo had a hunch you might be somewhat like your brother and kept a close eye on you, he even extended the time before your transformation." 

Tubbo blushed at the praise and held his head a little higher. 

"How did you do that by the way? Extend my time?" Tommy asked. He had never heard of such a thing before. A way for Hybrids to fight their transformation. Their fragile existence would collapse as Hybrids appeared below the radar. 

"I will explain all that when we get to HQ." Puffy said as she halted before a set of doors. 

"Wait there is a HQ? Of what?" Tommy asked, looking at Tubbo's smug face. 

"There is an entire underground organization run by Hybrids, Tommy!" He whispered excitedly. 

"What?" He couldn't believe it. "But I thought the government took the Hybrids away." 

Puffy held up a finger and silenced the youths. 

"We don't save every child, Tommy, but we try." She said softly, a deep sadness residing in her eyes. Tommy wondered how many kids, friends, she had seen fall to the horrors that awaited her kind. 

"Okay, Tommy stay close to Tubbo, we're going out in a hurry. Across the street is a black van with a red symbol on it. Run to it as fast as you can and don't, whatever you do, don't stop." Captain Puffy said and kicked open the door. 

Without an ounce of hesitation, Tubbo burst into the room... which was filled with cops. With a shove from Puffy, Tommy leapt after his friend and through the crowd of startled police officers. 

"GO!" Puffy yelled. That seemed to set the cops in action and all at once they drew they're guns. Tubbo and Tommy burst through the doors as the explosions of pistols filled the air, followed by the soft whips of bullets flying. 

Tubbo sprinted across the road and toward a black van. The symbol was of a strange creature, with wings and a tail that curled behind it. 

Tubbo climes into the front seat and Tommy burst into the other. Tubbo reaches back and opened the door for Puffy, who dove in barely a second after. 

"Let's go!" Tubbo yelled and slammed his hoof down on the pedal. The van screeched into motion, the smell of burning tires filling the air. They were off. 

Tommy's stomach lurched into his throat as they accelerated at a ludicrous speed. Tubbo whooped as they sped down the road and out into the open country. 

Tommy couldn't believe it. 

He was out, he was free!

A wailing siren sounded bruins them and Tommy saw blue and red flashing lights. 

Hold that thought of freedom. 

"What do we do?" Tommy asked as he tried to sit more comfortably. The wings were not helping.

"What do we do Tubbo?" Captain Puffy asked, a sly smile on her lips.

"Step on it!" Tommy yelled in ecstasy. He pressed  the pedal down even further and Tommy stared at his friend in horror. Where was the timid, naive Tubbo he had always known?

"I know!" Tubbo yelled as he pressed the on button for the radio. Hard rock started to blare from the speakers.

"I'm trigger happy, Tommy!" Tubbo yelled, a dangerous glint in his eyes. 

Tommy started to fear for his life.


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