Cells and Prisons

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Tommy was in a fever dream. He was sure of it. 

Lights flashed painfully overhead and he closed his eyes, trying to stop the throbbing headache. Why couldn't he think clearly? Why couldn't he move. 

Flitting in and out of unconsciousness, Tommy heard muted sounds. People talking, a man leaning over him, touching him. 

He felt the ground move and people surrounded him, shining lights in his eyes and touching him. He felt a sharp sting as they pressed a syringe into his arm. 

Then he felt nothing.


Tommy bolted upright and  fell into a defensive position. He blinked furiously, trying to find the Guard that had shot Wilbur. He saw soulless eyes staring at him. 

Tommy leaped back and slammed against a wall. He was in a cell. 

A cell. 

He flexed his hand and slammed them against the glass. Nothing happened. 

His claws were clipped. The lethally sharp edges were gone, sliced through and dull. 

No. No no no no no no no no. 

He was in a facility. Where was Wilbur? Was he okay? 

Was he dead?

Tommy shook the thought form his head. His brother wasn't dead, there was no way. Wilbur was the strongest person he knew, he wouldn't leave Tommy alone again. 

He was alive. 

Tommy had to make a plan of action. He would study his surroundings and search for weaknesses. 

Tommy looked around him and found that person staring at him again. 

He tore his gaze from those soulless grey eyes. Something about them bothered him. 

Tommy went back to sit on his bed and glanced around. There was a cell to the left of him. It seemed his cell's walls were made completely of glass. Though why, Tommy didn't know. 

There was a man sleeping in the cell left of him. Tommy couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, in fact, the man looked completely human. 

Maybe he was one of those hybrids that had very little physical change to them. 

And so, Tommy decided to wait. To see what the patterns of this place was. What they did and when. 

Tommy settled down on the corner of his bed to wait. 

He had no way of tracking time, so the minutes felt like hours and hours like eternities. At one point, scientist came and tranquilized the hybrid with the dead eyes. Tommy watched as the pale body went limp and two Guards loaded him onto a stretcher. 

They did not return. 

After his back had gotten stiff from sitting still, Tommy decided to take a nap. At least the bed was comfy and he had a pillow. He found a label on the bed that read 'Maximum Healing Capabilities'. 

The scientist must want their patients to rest and heal after each session. Tommy cringed at that, imagining hybrid being sliced up and brought back here, healing and waiting for their next session. 

He could only hope that someone was looking for them before his session came. 

He had started to doze off when he heard a faint knocking. He opened an eye and saw the man, who had been sleeping, tapping on the glass. 

Tommy got out of the bed and went to stand by the man, waving at him. 

What did the man want. 

The man said something but Tommy couldn't hear through the glass. He only heard muffled mumbling. 

"I can't hear you." Tommy said and the man looked at him quizzically then nodded. He pointed to the corner of the wall they shared. 

Tommy bent down to study the corner the man had indicated as saw a small slit cut into the glass. 

"Hello?" The man asked and Tommy got the strangest feeling that he knew the man. He looked over the man again, studying him. 

The man was quite short maybe five-foot-eight and had a mop of dark hair. He had a gaunt build and was thin, but Tommy saw some muscle beneath the hospital coat the man wore. Despite the man's average look, those brown eyes gleamed slyly. 

"Hi?" Tommy said. "Can you hear me?" 

"Yeah, I can hear you Tommy." The man. 

"How do you know my name?" Tommy asked, staring at the man. 

The man sighed and his shoulders sagged. He rubbed his temple in frustration and then leaned back to the slit. 

"I'm Fundy, Tommy."

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now