The Unleashed

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Mark stared at the shifting ceiling. He felt a soft prick as a needle slid into his skin. He didn't even flinch anymore. 

He had tried to sit up multiple times but someone had pushed him back each time, telling him to rest. 

Why was he here again?

He twisted his head to the side. Strange changing people moved about. Beside his bed lay six red vails. They had taken his... blood?

He chuckled slightly. Why would they do that? 

What if cheese was blue? 

No focus, he was busy thinking about something. 

He had to get out... why though? He couldn't remember. 

"Whers mah... glassers?" He fumbled the words out. The room continued to spin, though to his relief it was slowing. 

"Lie still." 

But he needed his glasses. People were always afraid of him without his glasses. 

"Starting the first injection." Someone said. "Are those straps tightened enough?" 

Someone fastened a brace over his mouth so he couldn't speak. 

"Yes. Procceed." 

Nope. Nopedey dope. The scientists weren't allowed to touch him. His dad said so... his... dad?

Mark, no, Ranboo didn't like his dad. His dad had put him here... his dad...

Something like molten lava poured into his arm and Ranboo went rigid. 

A scream ripped from his throat, though the brace stopped almost all sound from escaping. 

What the hell were they doing?!

Ranboo's insides were on fire, his lungs burning. He couldn't heave enough air into his body with just his nose. The room seemed to stop spinning for just a moment and clarity his Ranboo like a rock. 

He had to get out. NOW--

"Take two. The beginnings of the transformation."


A soft prick and then a pain unlike anything he had ever experienced burned through him. It was like someone was sizzling him on the surface of the sun. 

Ranboo thrashed in his bonds and through his screams he heard shouts of alarm from the scientists. 

"The straps! He's tearing them!" 

Ranboo convulsed all reason vanishing from his mind as one thought repeated over and over and over. 


"I thought you said his hybrid form was smaller than this?!"

"I didn't take them. Jerry did!" 

"Damn Jerry! Give him the third dose, he might calm down!" 



"Okay Doctor. Stage Three. The settling." 


And then Ranboo was beyond pain. He was beyond his body, almost as if he was lucid dreaming, except this time he was dreaming in reality. 

He could feel himself drifting away, drifting. 


The volcano within him transformed into something primal. A hibernating beast ready to emerge. 

The fire burned within his bones until it felt like every part of him was being smothered, incinerating him atom by atom. 

Ranboo screamed, thrashing against his bonds against the brace that held his cries reticent. 

He screamed again and... he could hear it. 

The pain was gone as if it had never been there in the first place. Like a phantom memory on the wind. 

Get out?

Get out. 

The beast within him seemed satisfied with itself. 

Where was he? 

There was a blinding light before him, white stretching as far as he could see. 

Was he dead?


Ranboo held up a hand to block the light... and froze. His hand was coal black, delicate looking claws tipped his fingers. 

Ranboo lurched upright. He was in a hallway. 

He sprang upward, light as a cat on his feet and just as fluid. 

Ranboo saw his reflection on the spotless floors. 

He was tall, the tops of his... horns... touching the ceiling lightly so he had to bend a little bit. The left side of his body was a ashy white and the right coal black. His left eye was a glowing blood red and his green a sparkling emerald.

Slitted pupils stared back at him. 

He looked almost exactly like his action hero, Ranboo did. With the same front facing horns and pointed ears. With the same black and white hair that hung loosely above his eyes. 

A long sleek tail swished behind him as if it had a mind of it's own, peeking out from under his hospital gown that was way too short for him now. 

He would have to find some new clothes somewhere. 

And then the even more demanding question. How had he gotten into the hallway?

Form far off he heard clattering footsteps, laced with panic. 

Someone was coming. 

Ranboo trotted down the hall, taking random routes until he saw a door with a sign that peaked his interests. 


Who even had an emergency formal dressing area? His father did. 

The beast within him growled and on instinct Ranboo growled with it. Huh. It didn't sound half bad. 

He slipped into the room and emerged a few minutes later. He wore dark sun glasses and a classy suit with a red bowtie. He hadn't known how to tie a tie so he had settled for it instead. 

He wore fine polished black shoes and a golden belt buckle gleamed around his middle. 

Men In Black who?

A pulse of darkness slammed into him and sent him reeling. 

The beast within him leapt at the thread of darkness. Whatever it was, it called to them. 

Suddenly Ranboo had the urge to find the source of the power. And so he set off. 

"Alright well, let's go then." He said to himself, falling into a light jog. His long legs brought him forward meters at a time. They would be there soon. 

The beast rumbled in anticipation.

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