The Clutches

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Tommy swept through the air, his feather glinting green in the sun's sharp light, an angel to deliver justice on the monster before him. He descended like the ancient gods of myth, his eyes burning coals, the spitfire of his soul resonating within the roar that escaped him mouth. 

The screams of the crowd mixed with his roar, creating a wonderfully horrendous cacophony of noise. 

The Boss had a second to turn and process the unstoppable force of nature he had created that headed for him, cold and unforgiving as a stormy ocean. 

Like a wave of solid ice, Tommy slammed into the Boss, one hand clutching the huge man's neck, drawing blood. 

A low growl reverberated from Tommy's throat, a sound that chilled the crowd around him.

In that moment, everything moved as if a fraction of a second was hours. 

He was staring his enemy in those cold blue eyes, much like his own Tommy realized, before he had been transformed. 

The Boss stared at him blandly his face emotionless and void. He didn't even flinch as Tommy dug his claws deeper, the crimson of the Boss's blood drip drip dripping onto the floor of the stage. 

Tommy's spines fell flat against his back, his wings spread wide behind him, feathers rustling lightly in the breeze. Everything was silent, still. 

"I'm going to kill you." Tommy said. It was not a threat, neither a taunt. It was simply a statement as unmoving as Tommy himself. 

The Boss cracked a small smile even as Tommy reached out with his other hand, ready to deliver the final blow. 

"That's what you think. Even as you are stuck in a game so much bigger than yourself. You have lost, Tommy."

Tommy's spines snapped erect. How did the Boss know his name?

"Your brother was very forth coming about information after he had been given several sedatives. Isn't that right Wilbur?"

The Boss glanced to the tank, a sickly satisfied smile on his face. 

Tommy's gaze shot to the tank and pupiless white eyes bore into him, Wilbur's face a mixture of confusion and despair. He mouthed a word, bubbles rising from his mouth. 


That had been Tommy's one mistake. 

The Boss shoved Tommy backwards, and leapt to the side impossibly nimble for a man of his girth. 

"RUN FOLKS!" He yelled to the crowd, ever a 'protector' of the innocents. 

Six guards leapt onto the stage encircling Tommy and hiding the Boss from his view. 

A burning rage of molten fury filled Tommy and he screamed in frustration. 

For once in his life couldn't something just go right?

He grabbed one guard's face and ripped it towards him. There was as scream of pain and then the body went limp, deep bleeding gashes in his skull. 

Tommy took the corpse's foot and threw the guard at another, crushing him beneath the body. Another guard tried to empty his gun on Tommy but Tommy dodged and punched upward, sending the gun flying. 

With a growl, he leapt at the ground, kicking him in the chest and using the momentum to leap at another guard, slashing both their throats open. A fountain of red exploded in his wake. 

Tommy turned to face the last guard but found no one there. He must have fled. Coward. 

For a moment, an overwhelming guilt slammed into Tommy. 

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