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Tommy twisted around to look out of the back window. There were four police cars a few meters behind them. 

"Where are you going?" Tommy asked anxiously. He was starting to regret climbing into this car. 

"As soon as we get into the Enchanted Woods, we get out." Puffy said and pointed ahead of them, where the country turned white with snow. 

"The Enchanted Woods?" Tommy said, staring at Puffy as if she were crazy. "The place where people go into and never come out of? THAT place?" 

"Tommy, why do you think people never come out?" Tubbo asked, that stupid smile still on his face. 

"It's because we have our HQ there." Captain Puffy said before he could answer. 

The bang of gunshots rang out behind them and Tommy jumped. The cops were shooting at them. Puffy sighed irritably as the bullets ricochet against the tinted windows. 

"Aren't you going to do something about that?" Tommy asked, his eyes wide. 

"No," Puffy said, shaking her head. "They are just normal cops, trying to do their unofficial jobs."

"But they're still cops." Tommy said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Yes, they are, but they're the ones that deal with human problems, like thefts, robbery, gangs, that type of stuff. We worry about the Guards." 

Tommy winced as he hit slammed his wings against his seat, they were on a particularly bumpy part of the road and it didn't help that Tubbo was going fifty miles over the speed limit.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Tommy," Tubbo said as he saw his friend's pained expression. "We didn't know you would be winged, otherwise we would have brought another type of car." 

They entered a forest and Tommy felt the air change. It was somehow calmer and it soothed him. Huge spruce trees reached for the skies, swaying in the wind above him.

Tommy fell silent in complete awe of the ancient trees. There was something divine about them, something so great and powerful about them, that filled him with sizzling energy. 

Tommy felt something hit them and suddenly Tubbo was swerving madly. The next second they were off the road and into a ditch beside the road. Tubbo slammed down on the pedal but the back wheels were in the air, spinning uselessly. 

The police cars came screeching to a stop around them. Tubbo hurriedly unbuckled his seatbelt and motioned for Tommy to do the same. 

"What do we do now?" Tommy whispered, glancing around at any possible escape routes. 

"Don't even think about exiting the vehicle!" A voice rang out from a loud speaker. "You are completely surrounded!"

Tubbo pressed a button on the radio and changed the signal to 1.00. A voice came through. 

"Hello, mate?" It said. 

"Phil, we need help, we're stuck near the entrance, shot tire." Tubbo said quickly. 

"I'm sorry, mate, I'm on a mission." Phil said and the radio clicked off. 

Tubbo turned the radio up to 5.00. 

"Does anyone read me?" Tubbo called. 

"Yeah, hello, it's Siren here?" A slightly accented voice came through. It sounded somehow familiar to Tommy. 

"Dang it, is there anybody else on duty?!" Tubbo yelled. 

"You can try call on Spectre but he is always busy." Siren said and clicked off. 

"Why couldn't Siren help?" Tommy asked. 

"She is a water type and we're on land, Tommy." Tubbo said and turned the radio all the ways up to 13.00. 

"Hello, Spectre, sir?" He said. 

"Yeah, Tubbo, what is it, I'm busy?" 

"We're kind of in a jam right now, sir, we got shot down by the road and are in need of desperate assistance, sir." Tubbo said anxiously. 

"Don't exit you're vehicle or you will be shot down!" The police yelled out again. 

"Tubbo, you know not to call me---" 

"Listen here, bitch!" Tommy yelled in frustration. "We are kind of stuck right now and need help so are you and your organization going to help or not?" 

Tubbo and Puffy stared at Tommy in disbelief. The voice fell silent. 

"Tommy?" It asked softly. 

Tommy froze at the name. How had this Spectre dude known his name?

"Yeah?" Tommy said slowly. The voice fell silent again. A ruffling sound could be heard from the other side of the radio. 

"I'm on my way." Spectre said and the radio clicked off. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now