Stage Error

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Jack stumbled back into the apartment, his breath hitching in his throat. Exhaustion sunk onto him like a heavy weight and all he wanted to do was sink into his bed and sleep. 

He hadn't been this tired in weeks. 

"Jack, thank goodness you're here," Fundy said and Jack glanced at his friend, finding worry creased on Fundy's face. 

"It's Tommy, he blocked the door to your study somehow and we can't get it open. Something happened while you were gone---" Fundy's jaw clenched and, to Jack's surprise, he saw silver lining Fundy's eyelids. 

"Let's go see what we can do." Jack said and put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. 

They turned just as Tommy walked into the room, his eyes red and puffy. His face was stone cold. 

Bad, Emily and Frost came walking behind him, each just as worried as Fundy, though Frost's face was carefully blank. 

"What information did you get, Jack." Tommy asked. His voice was hoarse like sandpaper. 

"The Boss is holding an event tomorrow to reveal a secret project tomorrow regarding research on the Lumina. He wants me to be there for a promotion and I think that if we start the attack while they are busy with the event, it will be a viable distraction." 

Tommy stared at the floor for a moment and Jack could almost see the thoughts turning in his head. 


"No?" Fundy asked, his ears dropping down and his eyes becoming guarded. Something was wrong with Tommy. 

What had happened?

"We need to get Wilbur out of there first. He is our top priority." Tommy said, still looking at the floor. 

Fundy growled and the flaming hairs on his neck bristled. Jack saw Emily flinch back at the sound. 

"Wilbur is the strongest of us all, Tommy. We need to get the weaker people out first. What about Schlatt and Techno? What about Tubbo?" 

"We are getting Wilbur out first, Fundy. They are killing him, draining the life from him. He is going to die if we don't do something." 

"The event will act as a perfect distraction and Jack will be able to find Ranboo as well. Then, when they are all gone and safe we can get Wilbur. It just makes more sense." Fundy said, stepping closer to the blonde-haired boy. 

There was a desperate way he stood. 

"I... Wil... Fundy, I don't think he is going to make it until morning. He--" Tommy swallowed hard and Jack saw him fighting the rising tide of emotions. 

Tommy closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them that dead look was back. 

"He is first priority." 

"Tommy, you can't abandoned everyone just for your brother." Fundy whispered and Tommy visibly flinched back, hurt flashing across his face. 

"I'm not abandoning them, Fundy." He hissed, canines flashing harshly. "I'm not a monster." 

"Then what are you going to do?" Fundy asked softly. 

"I'm going to kill the Boss." Tommy said and the entire room fell silent. Jack knew he would have heard a needle fall at that moment. 

"No. No, Tommy, you can't do that." Fundy said, his vice soft and full of empathy. "I know what it feels like. I know, okay?" He brought the younger boy's chin up with his paw and met his green gaze. 

"No you don't." Tommy said and pulled away. 

"Yes I do!" Fundy exclaimed. "Tommy you can't kill the Boss." 

"Why not?!" Tommy screamed and spun to face Fundy. His green eyes were pitch black. 

"Just because he did something to you doesn't give you the right to take a life." Fundy seethed, grabbing Tommy by the shoulders. 

"The Boss has killed and tortured so many innocent souls, Fundy. I would be doing the world a favor by ridding them of him!" Tommy snapped. 

"Don't sink to his level, Tommy!" Fundy yelled, shaking Tommy as if he hoped that would open the boy's ears to his truth. 

Tommy froze at the words, heaving and his eyes filled with a darkness Jack didn't know existed within him. 

"I will never become like him, Fundy." He hissed, his spines erect, needle sharp points glinting in the dull light above them. 

"I think you're just too scared to face him head-on." Tommy said and Fundy's ears pulled back violently. 

"Tommy, shut up." Frost said, stepping forward. 

A single glance from Fundy stopped her dead in her tracks. 

"I'm scared, Tommy, I just don't want everyone else to die." 

"You don't care about him, Fundy. YOU DIDN'T SEE WHAT I SAW!" 


A sick grin filled Tommy's face and Jack felt the temperature drop in the room. Tommy's eyes filled with dark poison. 

"No Tomm--" Bad whispered. 

"You say he's like a father to you and yet, you're just like your father, Floris." Tommy said. 

Fundy flinched back and let go of Tommy like he had touched hot coals. Hurt and pain and anger flashed across the fox's face. The whirlwind of emotions froze on a single look. One of pure betrayal. 

"You know when I said we were family, Tommy?" He said, a bitter, toxic smile on his face. "I lied. You will never be apart of my family." 

Tommy's face didn't change, that blank expression frozen in time. A single tear dripped down his cheek. 

"That's okay. I didn't to be apart of it anyway." 

Tommy's body dissolved and he fell through the floor, a black mist pouring from the place he had been. 

Bad seemed to sense that Fundy was about to explode and silently guided Emily from the room, pulling Frost with him. 

Fundy snapped as soon as they left. 

Fundy swore and yelled incoherently, slamming his fist against the wall. 

"Fundy, are you--" 

"Leave me alone, Jack." Fundy whispered harshly, his head in his arms. "Just give me a moment." 

Jack nodded and retreated to the end of the room, waiting for his friend to cool down. 

They sat there in the apartment and Jack watched as the night turned to early morning, the sky becoming a warm blue instead of deep black. 

The sun started to peek through the window, hues of orange and crimson painting the walls. 

Finally, Fundy stood and pulled the curtains fully open. 

The sky was blood red. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now