Light and Shadow

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Tommy flew burst into the wide expanse of the cavern, the glowing berries a warm welcome from the cold night air. Philza banked downwards and Tommy followed. They swept over the terrain and to Hannah's house. 

Phil landed gently, keeping the still Sapnap against him. The teen had fallen asleep somewhere along the way. Tommy didn't think he had slept the three days he had been in captivity.

It must have been terrible.

Tommy opened Hannah's door for Phil and froze as he saw who stood inside. Wilbur glanced up as they entered and a shadow fell over his face as Phil entered. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked, venom dripping from his words. 

"He," Tommy snapped. "Helped me carry Sapnap back."

Wilbur fell silent and turned that dark gaze on Tommy. Tommy felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise but he didn't care. What was Wilbur's problem?

"If it wasn't for Phil, we would probably be sizzling next to that fence right now." Tommy continued. 

Wilbur glanced at Phil and then shook his head, turning back to Hannah.

The healer sat next to the bed, holding Puffy's hands as her red power flowed into her veins. Tommy was glad to see Quackity was breathing evenly and his skin was a healthy color, unlike the pale white of the afternoon. 

"Here." Hannah beckoned Phil forward and took Sapnap's hand. She closed her blue eyes, focus clouding her face. She let go and nodded. 

"He only needs rest and something to eat. I don't think they had him for long enough to cause too much damage." 

Phil nodded and stepped back. 

"I'll leave him at Techno's house." Phil said and walked out of the house, nodding kindly at Tommy as he passed. 

"You should probably also get some sleep, Tommy, it's been a long day." 

It was only when Phil closed the door behind them, did Tommy realize how tired he actually was. He had trained with Technoblade in the morning and Phil taught him taught him the basics of flying. 

He had been attacked by the hands again and he had gone on a mission. 

Wilbur must have seen the huge yawn that escaped his mouth because he smiled slightly and walked to his brother. 

"Let's get you in bed, Tommy." 

Wilbur steered his brother from the house and let Tommy climb on his back, carrying him to the house atop the the hill. 

Tommy barely remembered the trip and only came to when Wilbur slipped the covers up to his nose, tucking him in. 

"Why are you so mad at Phil?" He asked softly. Wilbur froze at that. 

They sat in long seconds of silence until Wilbur answered. 

"He did something long ago, Tommy, something that caused us so much suffering." 

Tommy sunk into sleep, barely aware of what Wilbur had said. 

One word in the sentence stood out though and he puzzled over it. 


What had Phil done to them?


Tommy awoke to a scuffling and the sound of someone moving about hurriedly. 

He cracked open an eye and saw Wilbur enter the room, opening a closet and ruffling through it. 

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