Battle Plans

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Tommy hesitated as he was about to enter the tunnel, remembering what had happened last time. 

"It's okay, I got you, mate." Phil said and handed him a glowberry. The soft golden light illuminated the tunnel, chasing the shadows away.

Tommy looked at the man gratefully as they entered the tunnel. 

They walked down under the ground until they reached the first room. Then Tommy took the tunnel and a moment later they entered the scan room. 

Tommy halted by the entrance, looking at the gathering before them. The table had been pulled to the middle of the room and a map lay on it. 

Fundy, Hannah, JSchlatt, Tubbo, Bad, Technoblade and Wilbur stood around it. Tommy froze at the hostile stare he received from his brother. Wait, those cold eyes didn't look at him... but a Phil. 

"Tommy," Wilbur said, not taking his eyes from Phil's face. "Nice of you to join us." 

"Yeah." Tommy said, glancing between the two before going to stand beside his brother. 

Phil walked to Techno and stood beside him, looking intensely at the map. 

"Okay, so, just to catch you up on what's happening," Wilbur said, avoiding Phil and addressing Tommy. 

"We found the facility where Puffy is being held." 

Tommy eyes shot to Tubbo's face and he saw a faint silver lining those brown eyes. 

"Here." Wilbur pointed to a spot south of the forest. "It's near Boatem's ruins."

"Wait, wasn't that the first hybrid only community?" Tommy asked, staring at the spot on the map. 

"Yes," Phil said. "And a community of some of the greatest builders the world has ever seen." 

Tommy nodded and then saw that cold stare piercing Phil once more. Tommy could read the message in his brother's dark eyes. 


Phil seemed to get the message too and lowered his head. 

"Can we focus, please?" Tubbo said and brought everyone's attention back to the map. 

"The facility consists looks like this. There is a fifteen foot wire wall outside. It's charged with electricity day and night, though that won't be a problem since we have Schlatt. The main building has three floors. Two of them are duds. The top one holds the hybrid while the bottom two are only employee quarters, kitchens, archives and offices."

"Which means the nightmares happen above." Techno said, huffing. 

"Yes," Wilbur said, nodding grimly. "Now, from what we've been able to scout out,  the left side only contains labs and surgery rooms. The right side is where the hybrids are kept." 

"That's where we'll find Captain Puffy." Tommy said, looking at his brother. Those dark eyes softened and a small smile lit up Wilbur's face. 

"Yes. That's where we're going to strike." Wilbur said. 

"So what's the strategy?" Technoblade asked. 

"The usual. We go in silently, break into the building and wreak havoc as a distraction while the rest of us go up and free the prisoners." 

Everyone nodded. 

"Technoblade, Schlatt, Tubbo and Bad will serve as distractions. Me, Hannah and Fundy will go up. Fundy is going to find Puffy while me and Hannah guards him. Got that?"

Tommy didn't miss the hurt that flashed in Phil's eyes. Why was Wilbur being like this? Philza was a great guy. 

Suddenly, Hannah doubled over, her roses twisting harshly through the air. Fundy pulled her up, holding her upright as she gasped. 

"It's Quackity..." She managed to push out. "He's having a seizure." 

Wilbur leapt lithely over the table and grabbed Hannah, holding her to his chest as he sprinted from the room. A moment later, the rest of them followed, Tommy at the lead. He held his glowberry out as they entered the tunnels. 

He burst into the open and saw Wilbur vanish into Hannah's bungalow. 

He ran to the door and burst inside. Hannah was sitting beside Quackity, holding his hand. Strange red light flowed from her palm into his shaking body. 

Quackity gasped in pain as he writhed. Tommy saw the pain and worry carve deep lines in Wilbur's face. He came to stand beside his brother, tentatively putting his arms around his brother. 

Wilbur jumped ta the touch and then saw who it was. He smiled sadly and wrapped his arm around Tommy. 

Together, they watched Quackity's movements still. Finally, after what seemed like hours, his breathing evened out and Hannah let go. She tried to stand but toppled. 

Wilbur caught her before she hit the floor and put her on the bed beside Quackity's. 

"Wil..." She breathed. "I won't be able to go. Quackity had been like this for the last few days. I can't leave him." 

Wilbur looked pained as she spoke the words but nodded. 

"Then stay here, look after him." 

"But who's going to come on the mission with us then?" Bad asked. "The minimum is always seven and we need another flyer." 

Wilbur nodded thoughtfully and Tommy saw the look of gratitude Phil shot to Bad. 

"Okay." Wilbur said standing. "We'll take Tommy."

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