Little Light

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Wilbur drifted in the dark, eyes closed and breath shallow. How long had he been in here? A day? Two days? A year? 

He didn't know. 

There seemed to be a wall between Wilbur and his mind. He couldn't think straight anymore and his head was a mess of fractured images and half finished sentences. 

Would Phil come for him? Wilbur chided himself bitterly. The man hadn't been there nineteen years ago, he wouldn't come now. But Wilbur still hoped... still hoped.

That piece of hope was his little light.

Wilbur perked up as he heard something in the dark. A faint voice. 

"...ready for the... soon?" 

Wilbur tried to reach for the string of sound. Anything but the dark. Anything but the endless dark. 

"Yes... Boss wants him hooked up to... maximum power...." 

Wilbur felt something tug his arm and lifted his head. A light shone down into his eyes, blinding white all around him.  He opened his eyes slightly and saw his reflection in the metal roof above. 

He gaped at the thin, broken man that stared back. 

He had no wings and his hands looked completely normal. Wilbur lifted his head from the table and winced as a headache pumped itself into being. He looked at his hands... his human hands. 

No sign of the claws or the white skin. No sign of the feathers peeking from beneath his back or the uncomfortable feeling of them when he lay on his back. 

He didn't even see a tail.

As far as he could tell, he was a human. 

No. No no no no no. This couldn't be. 

Wilbur looked at the leather strips that restrained him. Leather of all things. 

"Ah, you're finally awake." A deep voice spoke.

Wilbur froze as the cold voice that greeted him. 

"What do you want with me?" Wilbur seethed, writhing as he tried to snap the leather. If he had been in his hybrid form, chains would have been a necessity. 

"Oh, nothing you would willingly give me, so I'm not even going to ask." Wilbur tried to twist his head, to see the man who was talking, but to no avail. 

"You just wait, my friend, wait and see. Oh we're going to change the world you and I!" 

Wilbur felt a chill run up his spine at the man's tone. 

It was the voice of a madman, a person who had walked one step too far from the line. 

"Goodbye for now, Lumina." 

A scream ripped free from Wilbur's throat as pain flooded over him. It was like white hot metal was being poured onto him. 

The scream followed Wilbur into the darkness as he descended in the dark hell once more.


Fundy felt shock start to choke him as the Guard led him down hallways, the Boss strutting beside him, chatting as if they were old friends. 

Fundy didn't hear any of it. 

His parents were here. 

They were here, in the facility, and so was his sister. His parents. The people he had looked up to all his life, until he turned sixteen and they abandoned him. They had left him in the hand of these sickos, who snapped sixteen-year-old's legs and strapped them to tables. 

Who split families apart simply because of how they looked. 

They had left him, hadn't even tried to fight for him. 

Memory pulled at Fundy, pulled him back to another time, on he hadn't thought about in a long time. Just as the past sunk it's claws in the Guard halted Fundy by a door. 

"Come on in, Floris," The Boss said and then looked at Fundy, nodding in understanding.

"It's okay, I'll give you some time." He said and walked into the room, leaving Fundy with the Guard in the hallway. Fundy heard words of greeting being exchanged from inside. 

That voice, the higher one, his mother. The other with the thick accent, his father. He knew each rise and fall of their voices, each pinch and pitch. 

The voices tore at his heart and he finally admitted that he had missed them. He had missed them so much. 

Fundy took a deep breath and steeled himself. 

He would do this, he would not be afraid. Like Wilbur always said. 

Fear is the mind killer. 

He turned, opening the door and froze as those two sets of eyes found him. 

His mother and father stood there, staring at him. Fundy straightened self-consciously as his father studied him. 

"Hello." He said softly. He couldn't think of anything else to say. 

His mother let out a small squeal and ran to him, throwing her arms around his shoulders. Fundy stiffened at the touch. He hadn't been hugged in ages, not since...

"Hey, mom." He said softly and hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. He instinctively flexed his hands to sheath his claws. The claws that were not there. 

Fundy couldn't help but notice that his father hadn't come to embrace him. His father's gaze was cold and distant as if he could still see the 'Sickness' that tainted Fundy. Fine. 

"Well, I'll give you guys some time to talk." The Boss said, wiping tears from his eyes. Yeah right. 

Fundy awkwardly pushed his mother away. He would not let them get that close yet. If they truly loved him they would not have left him. 

His mother opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but then walked back to her husband. 

Fundy studied them both. 

They still looked the same, but they both had dark sacks under their eyes and the lines in their features was deeper. They looked so much older than they were supposed to. 

"Well," His mother started and beckoned to the two sofas in the room. "Let's sit down." 

Fundy settled on the one, his posture stiff and tense. He was ready to run if it went southward. 

His mother and father sat on the other, his father still cold while his mother glanced between them nervously. 

Fundy fumbled with his hands, nerve setting him on edge. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now