Stage 6

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Jack had always known Alyssa to be a calm and collected person. She always astounded him with her ability to adapt and take charge of her surroundings. 

This was not one of those times. 

"JACK WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" She screamed bursting from the shadows. 

Jack stumbled back as she towered over him, a clear two heads above him. Four delicate antennae curled back over her skull and her eyes blazed with anger and fury and betrayal. 

Her body was a deep amber, like the color of a setting sun and the armor plates on her tail glimmered like liquid rubies and amber mixed together. The edge of her vicious tail was black, as was the tips of her fingers, foot-claws and antennae. 

"The heck--!" Fundy exclaimed as he jumped back in shock, stumbling in his retreat and falling. 

Jack heard him curse his human feet but didn't take his eyes off his sister. He froze, keeping as still as possible. She was in a very delicate position right now and Jack knew the strange feeling of instincts. 

"It's okay, Lyssa." Jack said softly, keeping his hands where she could see them. 

"No it's NOT, Jack!" She whispered harshly and turned away, nearly smacking jack with her tail. 

"I'm a hybrid, what if they catch me here? What if they catch US here? And what about that guy over there?!" Alyssa said, pointing at Fundy. 

She was rambling. 

She was scared. 

Jack stepped forward and hugged his sister, holding her close without saying anything. She stiffened and just froze for a few moments before she, hesitantly, sunk into the hug with him. 

They stood there for a minute, Jack listening as her heart-rate slowed. 

"It's okay." Jack whispered and then finally let go. "It doesn't matter anyway. If all goes well today, we're getting out of here." 


"I'll explain on the way. Fundy grab these vials, we need to go, the clock is ticking." Jack said, carefully putting the remaining vials in a bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

Fundy nodded. 

"Are we going out now? What about Frost and Bad?"

"We'll call them in as soon as we need them." We need to lead them to the cages though." 

Fundy nodded and unscrewed a vail, downing it in one gulp. He made a disgusted face and shook his head. 

"You really need to work on those painkillers, Jack." He said, now a fox and looking Alyssa in the eyes. 

"Yeah, let's go." Jack said turning to the door and seeing Alyssa's shocked face. "Yes he is a hybrid too." 

"Good to meet you, I'm Fundy." Fundy said and held out a paw. Alyssa took it hesitantly and they shook, then Fundy joined Jack at the door. 

"Okay so, according to what I saw, my poison only knocks people out, it doesn't kill them. Everyone we meet is going to get a dose of it." Jack said and slipped out the door, sprinting down the hall, Fundy and Alyssa right on his heels. 

Damn he was fast and he couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face. 

"What the--" A scientist nearly slammed into him as he rounded a corner and Jack reacted before he could think, his scorpion tail arching over his head, quick as lightning. 

The man was on the ground, groaning, his upper arm already starting to swell. 

"Damn." Fundy muttered as they continued on. "Remind me never to make you angry."

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now