The Bill Always Comes Due

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He was gone. 

That was all Tommy knew as he blinked through tear blurred eyes. 

He was gone. 

Fundy, the person who had become an icon of hope to him. His friend, Fundy, was gone. 

He barely registered the people crowding around him and the body. Bad was there crying over the fox's body, cradling his head in his lap, begging him to wake up. Tubbo was there too, on his knees and heaving uncontrollably, Schlatt right beside him, holding him. 

But Tommy knew, he had heard. Heard Fundy's heart slow and die down, had heard him exhale lightly and his body go limp. 

Had heard the horrific crunch as the small body had been hit by that fist. 

It was a sound that would haunt him forever in his nightmares and in his daily life. 

Bad was holding glowing red hands over Fundy's spine, right where blood was pooling onto the dull gray concrete, coloring it vibrant crimson. 

He didn't know Fundy was already gone. 

But Technoblade knew. 

Tommy knew his face mirrored the Blade's. Dead, dull, lifeless... hopeless. And there was something dangerous about the way Technoblade tilted his head at the Boss, now standing and surveying them all. 

The Boss's odds had been greatly deduced. And he knew it. 

Tommy saw him pull a radio from what remained of his shirt and made a single call. 

"Requesting all personal. Repeat Code Magenta." 

Then he threw the radio down and started to walk toward them, pulling yet another vial out of his pocket. How many did he have in there?!

Technoblade leaned down and put a hand on Bad's shoulder, his pink hair flowing freely behind him. 

"He's gone, Bad." 

"What?! No! NO!" Bad yelled, pulling Fundy closer to him. 

Technoblade turned the hybrid around and tilted his chin up until Bad was facing him, tears streaming down his face. 

"Later." Was all Techno said. 

Bad sobbed once more the broken raggedness of his voice mirroring Tommy's own heart. But then the sweet hybrid's face hardened and he nodded once. 

"Go heal Tommy, me and Wither will deal with this." He said and stood, nodding to a black-haired woman at his side. 

"You two," He pointed at Jack and another scorpion hybrid. "Get Wilbur free." 

Bad hugged Fundy's head close to his chest before letting go and coming to crouch beside Tommy, his glowing red hands hovering over the broken wing. 

Tommy must have blacked out for a second or so because suddenly Technoblade seemed to teleport, standing a few feet from where he had been. 

"It's going to be okay, Tommy." Bad said softly. 

And Tommy did feel great, better than he had ever been actually. Physically at least. He stood steady on his feet and shuddered.

Suddenly the hole in his heart was bleeding and open, grief taking hold like a vice. Fundy was... still gone. 

And he would never come back. 

He wished for the pain right then, for something to distract him from the pain. 

Maybe if he slammed his head into the concrete he would fall into unconsciousness and be gone from this agony. 

But no. He glanced at Bad and saw pain written all across his face. 

Pain under control. 

And something else. Something Tommy had never thought he would see on the sweet man's face. 

Terrible concentrated fury, molded into focused clarity. 

Like staring at your reflection on a dagger blade. 

So Tommy did the same. 

He focused that empty hollowness, that broken grief into a blade, a dagger ready to strike down the one who had caused all this. 

Tommy's heart blazed alight with relentless fury. 

The two scorpions were slamming into the glass with their needle-sharp stingers, cracking the glass millimeter by millimeter. Reinforced glass. 

Technoblade and Wither were striding towards the Boss with deadly calm, emotionless as the void Tommy had found Wilbur in. 

Tubbo had finally stood, his face buried in his father's chest. Schlatt was muttering comforting words to Tubbo though Tommy couldn't hear any of it. 

Tommy glanced to the Boss, to Wilbur and then to broken body before him, the once flaming pelt now dull and matted with drying blood. 

He had one last thing to do. 

With gentle hands he scooped up the fragile body, realizing how light it was. He held Fundy close to his chest and put his forehead against the fox's. 

"We're coming back for you." He whispered, and then leapt into the air. For a moment he fought to gain height but then he was above the roof. He glided onto the roof and crouched down to lay the body down where they would be able to retrieve it easily. 

He held the body close once more, breathing in the scent of his friend but his nose was clotted with blood. Fundy was truly gone. 

"Thank you..." He whispered, a sob racking his body violently. No, not now, not yet. There would be time for grieving later. 

"I-" His voice cracked and he closed his mouth. "Thank you." 

He set the body down gently and then stood looking at the broken form and for a moment he heard the Fox's laughter, saw his smile. 

And he smiled, tears flowing from his eyes. 

Then he turned away and his blood curled with rage. He had a glowing hot dagger within him, ready to be plunged through skin and bone. He would end this, or he would trying. 

He would end this so that no one would have to feel this pain ever again. 

Tommy leapt from the roof spreading his wings wide, his talons curled into his palms, ready for blood. 

Tommy landed beside Technoblade. 

The hybrid stared at him and then nodded, seeing Tommy was in control. 

Yes, Tommy was in control. 

Then the doors of the Lab burst open and dozens of guards streamed out into the sunlight, guns raised and ready to fire. 

Tommy just glanced at the Blade, one eyebrow raised in question. 

You ready for this?

The Blade grinned, revealing pointed canines. Tommy had never seen anything more terrifying than that rabid smile. 

With barely a sound, Tommy launched himself at the enemy, talons out before him. 

There was a feral grin on his face. 

A debt would be paid today, grief and guilt be damned. They would all pay. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now