The 69'th part... yes.

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Skeppy was there. And Liz and Dream. They were all here. 

Except for... 

"GEORGE!" Dream yelled, running up and down the hall, worry etched into his face. His steps were panicked and jittery. 

They hadn't been able to find the dark-haired man anywhere.

He was not amongst the hybrids that now stood in the hall, some rubbing sleep from their eyes, some staring blankly at the wall. 

They had been ripped from paradise and thrown back into the cesspool that was reality. 

Frost felt only a slight tinge of sympathy, but it was quickly wiped away by worry. George wasn't here. 

They had taken him. 

And she was going to have to face the truth for them all. 

"Dream." She grabbed his arm as he paced past her, halting him. 

"What?!" He spat, and then lowered his eyes in shame as he saw who he was addressing. "I'm sorry, it's just George... I don't know... I..." 

"I know..." She whispered and glimpsed Dream blinking furiously, desperately trying to keep the tears at bay. She didn't blame him. 

She knew what it felt like to be pulled away from the people she loved. She knew what it was like to feel the world shatter around her into a million pieces, replaced by a white room and strange faces. 

"We'll find him but we have to go. I made a promise, Dream, to help Tommy." 

"Tommy?" Dream perked up at the name. 

"We need to go help him, Dream." 

"I know." Dream said, new determination laced his words. He inhaled deeply and turned to the crowd. 


Some hybrids leapt up, as if they had been waiting for a summons. Others just stared blankly at Dream as if his words didn't register. 

"Come on guys, we can't go back there. We have to fight for our freedom now." 

"NO!" Someone yelled and threw an accusing glance at Frost. "We were happy where we were and you took us away." 

"It was fake." 'Frost said blandly. Seriously, how stupid were the idiots?

"But I was happy, we-" The hybrid gestured to a couple of other nodding faces. "-were happy there. We want to go back." 

"You are an idiot." Frost snarled and the hybrid flinched back, his bravado falling away. "You can't go back anyway. If you haven't noticed George is gone." 

The crowd broke into mutterings and mumblings as the news spread across the thirty or so hybrids. 

Suddenly Emily cocked her head to the side, one ear upright and perked in the direction of the hallway. 

"Someone is coming!" She yelled and came to hide behind Frost. 

"Who is coming?" Frost asked, her body erect and ready to protect the child behind her. 

"I don't know. They all have the same thoughts..." Emily whimpered and clutched her head between her small arms. 

"What are they saying?" Dream asked, coming to stand beside Frost. 

They didn't have to wonder for very long. 

"KILL THEM ALL!" A thousand of the same voices yelled. The cacophony of sounds echoed through the hall, silencing all the hybrids. Then a single man stepped into the hallway and all the hybrids froze. 

They all knew this man intimately. And he knew them even better. He had caused most of them to be in such a broken state. 

"Hello my little friends." Zach sneered. "Come for another session?"

A scream of pure terror broke them all from their trance and while Dream and Frost stood firm, Skeppy right behind them with a dozen other hybrids, the rest stumbled back, fleeing the other way. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Zach called, except his voice came from everywhere. And then more people piled into the hallway. And they all looked the same. 

Dozens of Zach's marched into the hallway, sadistic grins on they're faces. 

This wasn't a battle they could win. 

A scream rang out behind them and Frost twisted around. Oh crap.

More Zachs had filled the opposite hallway and had flung a hybrid into the wall. The body now lay lifeless on the floor, blue blood pouring from his skull. 

It was the hybrid that had argued with Dream. 

A sudden flash of movement had her on her gaurd faster than a blink. That awareness saved her life. 

She ducked back as a knife swung over her in an arch, right where her neck had been moments before. 

Dream slammed his fist into a Zach's face and the man lurched back, blood spurting violently from his nose. Skeppy slammed his head into another Zach's forehead and the thing crumpled like paper. 

Emily cried out in horror as she watched the bloodshed around her. 

There was a flash of vibrant green light and then Dream held a shimmering sword in his hand, the edges glowing with an unearthly light. 

Dream swung the sword in a wide arch, slicing right through five Zachs. They're lifeless torsos fell to the floor and a moment after, their legs. 

A Zach beside Frost suddenly convulsed and it's flesh seemed to stretch and tear away from it's body.... forming another body. 

"They are all clones!" Frost yelled. 

"Damn it." Skeppy grew a sharp blue sword from the crystals on his arm and stabbed a Zach in the stomach, shoving the corpse aside just as another Zach attacked him. 

"How do we stop them?" Dream yelled over the sounds of screaming hybrids and the groans of the injured. 

"I don't know." Frost ducked under a Zach and grabbed his leg as he leapt over her, biting deep into his knee. The tangy taste of blood filled her mouth and she raked her claws through his throat as he dropped to the ground. 

More and more Zachs piled into the hallway. The sounds of screaming were becoming less and less frequent. Hybrids were dying back there. 

"That one!" Emily yelled, pointing into the masses of Zachs. 

"Where?!" Dream yelled as a dozen Zachs started to circle him. 

Frost grabbed Emily and hauled the fox onto her back. 

"Emily I need you to help me find the Zach okay? Show me!" With that Frost leapt into the melee of bodies and started slashing.

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now