Alone We Are Weak

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Tommy heard the sound from across the battlefield his head twisting to see his friend's broken body lying on the ground. 

And that was it. 

In the future, Tommy wouldn't remember this moment very well, it would be like a distant mirage, a flash of motion. All he knew was he would not lose another friend. 

Never again.

Silence fell over the battlefield as Tommy's gaze turned dark, a broiling storm frozen beneath his irises. He saw everything and yet nothing. He was present and alone. 

But there were the dark spirits that raged beneath his power, now silent like him. Slowly their eyes turned to the monster on the far side of the concrete expanse. They were hungry for flesh. 

And he was hungry for revenge.

They were one and the same, an equal body and mind. 

Tommy became like a wraith. To anyone watching the transformation was near seamless. His eyes became white as snow, pits of pure light. The rest of him became dark as the void, drenched in liquid night. The air around him became heavier as it absorbed the power from him. 

He was a living shadow. 

The creature sensed him somehow and it turned it's purple eyes to Tommy and for the first time, Tommy saw hesitation in his eyes. 

Then without warning the Boss teleported a clawed hand coming down for Tommy's face. 

Tommy just smiled, though no one could see it. 

The Boss's hand went right through his face as if it were smoke. 

A black hand shot from Tommy's chest and grabbed onto the Boss's arm, tearing at the flesh. 

The Boss leapt backed his eyes wide. He grabbed for the hand but, once again landed on nothing. The shadows could not enter into the sunlight without Tommy's power. 

"Tommy?" Frost asked from beside him, glancing at him worriedly. 

"Get everyone away. Don't come near me." He said softly, his voice clear as day. 

And then they were gone too. 

It was only him and the shadows. 

Only him and the shadows and the Boss. 

"T-Tommy, I can help you. You don't have to do this-" 

Tommy floated to him slowly, never breaking eye contact with the Boss. It froze him to place. 

"I have had enough of you." Tommy said and leapt for him. 

This time he hit the Boss solidly, like a sledgehammer. The Boss flew backward as if he was a bullet shot from a gun. 

The Boss crashed into the building behind him, bricks and windows crumbling beneath his weight. 

The Boss's eyes glowed brighter and he leapt for Tommy, teleporting behind him the last second. Tommy was ready for that. 

Three hands shot from Tommy's back and tore into the Boss's chest. 

A scream ripped from the mutilated man's throat and he teleported away. The hands dissipated in the sun. 

The Boss looked at him and now Tommy saw a glint of fear in those glowing pupils. 

Then the Boss was gone in a flurry of particles. 

Tommy smiled and reached out gently, like a small child picking a flow her grabbed one of the particles out of the air, holding the small bit of ethereal power in his palm. He smiled and blew onto it. 

The particle bloomed into a purple flower. Just like the ones Ranboo left behind when he teleported. These flowers did not belong to the Boss. 

"Thank you my friend." Tommy whispered. "I will return you to your home."

With that Tommy crushed the fragile petals and felt the world dissolve around him. 

He was in a white room. There were hundreds of vials of blood lining the cabinets of the room, a fluorescent light in the room illuminating the Boss's hunched figure. 

The Boss was feverishly plunging a needle into his flesh when he spotted Tommy. 

"You made a mistake coming here." Tommy said and then the light exploded, drenching them in the dark. 

A million small pairs of light blazed to life. The shadows laughed in their whisper-talk and reached for the Boss. The had taken forms now, some horrid and terrifying, other simple and smiling. All primed to feed.

But this would be Tommy's kill. 

Tommy's claws extended. The Boss just stared at him, his eyes bathing the roiling room in a purple glow. 

Tommy wondered for a moment why the Boss did not run, why he did not try to flee. 

Almost as if the Boss read his mind, his lowered his massive head. 

"I guess this is it then. I can only hope my plan worked." Was it just Tommy or did the Boss's voice break?

"I doubt it." Tommy said. He did not raise his voice. He was in control. 

Purple particles flared around the Boss just as Tommy's claws sunk into his chest, right where his heart would be. 

And then they couldn't go any further. It was as if the Boss's insides had turned to obsidian, so dense that Tommy couldn't penetrate it any further. 

"What the-" 

"Bye now." The Boss said, smiling madly as he watched a thing stream of blood drip onto the floor. 

Tommy followed him once more and then they were outside, back on the concrete. The shadows were contained and the Boss was grinning like crazy. 

That gruesome smile was glued to his face. 

"You can't get me out here!" He yelled in euphoria. "You can't fight the sunlight, Umbre." 

"I won't have to." Tommy said. "The sun goes down eventually." 

"I'll kill you before then." The Boss hissed. 

"No you won't." Someone said behind Tommy. 

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