A Final Fight

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"How far is it, Tubbo?!" Tommy yelled as he dodged another tree trunk. 

"I..." Tubbo huffed, glancing around anxiously. "I think this way!" 

"You think?" Tommy yelled worriedly. 

"I have never done this alone before, Tommy!" Tubbo snapped back and veered to the left. 

They entered a gorge and the walls beside them reached higher and higher. Tommy glanced back. The Guards were gaining on them. 

How were they doing that?

"Oh shoot." Tubbo muttered and Tommy looked ahead again, the blood draining from his face as he saw their predicament. The gorge had widened, the tall walls of stone stretching away to form a basin. There was no way out.

They were trapped. 

"Tubbo!?" Tommy yelled fearfully as his eyes searched frantically for an escape route.

"I--" Tubbo bolted forward to the opposite side of their prison. "I'm sorry, Tommy!" 

Tubbo collapsed against the wall, slamming is fist angrily into it, slightly cracking the surface. 

Tommy ran to his friend and kneeled beside him, wrapping an arm around him, careful of his claws. 

"Hey, hey," He said, turning Tubbo's head to him. "It's okay... we fight together right?"

Tubbo stared at him, deep sorrow and fear in his eyes. His face hardened into determination and he nodded, standing up. 

"Together." He whispered and turned to face the basin entrance which was filling up with Guards.

Tommy took a deep breath to still his rising nerves and launched himself forward with a cry of defiance. 

Together, Tommy and Tubbo ran towards their enemies, two against thirty. 


Twenty feet. 

The distance was closing fast and Tommy wondered if this would be the end for him. 

Fifteen feet. 

Tommy was glad that he would go into oblivion with Tubbo, his only friend. Not a friend he knew very well, it would seem, but a friend non the less. 

Ten feet. 

A strange beating filled the air, like the sound of a mighty waterfall. 

Five feet. 

The Guards disappeared before Tommy's eyes. Tommy lurched to a stop and scrambled back from the wall of white that had appeared before him. 

He saw Tubbo laying on his stomach, his head buried in his arms. Was he okay?

The white wall in front of him started to fade, a rainbow of light streaming through it. Tommy watched as the wall started to glow, reaching a crescendo as the world burned away around it. 

It vanished as quickly as it came. 

In it's place, where there had once been green grass and plants, now lay only crisp black remains. And a figure. 

Tommy stared in silence as the figure rose from it's place amidst the soot. 

It was a Hybrid, a long white tail twirling gently behind it. Four white wings were spread behind it, catching the light and reflecting it so it seemed the wings were aglow. 

The Hybrid was a man, with a dark fringe hanging over his eyes. He too had sharp ears and white clawed hands. His eyes were a deep brown. 

The man folded his wings and stepped forward, looking at Tommy strangely. 

"Tommy?" He asked softly. Something about his voice, the way he raised one eyebrow in his speech, his stance, was achingly familiar. 

Tommy gasped as realization hit him. But how? 

"Wilbur?" He muttered, gazing deep into the brown eyes. 

In answer, the man opened his arms in welcome. Tommy didn't hesitate. 

He threw himself forward, lunging into those familiar arms. 

The arms that had hugged him when he felt alone. The arms that would hold him when he had a nightmare. The arms that would protect him in a dark alleyway. 

Those same arms now wrapped around Tommy, holding him tightly against the tall, muscled frame. 

Those arms clutched him tighter as silent sobs racked his body. 

Those arms were now joined by massive wings encircling him, severing him from outer world that had caused him so much pain. 

Here, with his head tucked under his brother's chin, with his body covered by the white wings, with his heart held together by those arms, Tommy felt at home. 

For the first time in a long while, Tommy felt safe. 

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