A Beginning

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Tommy woke with a pounding headache and a blinding light in his eyes. He looked at his surroundings through slitted eyes. He had to steady his breathing as he saw where he was... and who was with him. 

That same woman, her dark eyes studying a clipboard by her side had a scalpel in her hand. The edge dripped with dark blood. Tommy kept still so she would think he was still asleep. 

Had she cut into him? 

What had they done?

He moaned and turned his head, as if struggling through a nightmare. He didn't need to pretend for that part at least. 

The dark haired woman looked at him sharply and then turned her attention back to the clipboard. Tommy saw the iron chains that held him to the table and pushed his arm against it experimentally. 

Could he snap it?

He froze as the woman walked around the table where he was pinned and studied him. She put down the clipboard by a table next to her and tapped the scalpel along his arm. 

Tommy clearly saw it draw blood but he didn't feel anything. They had him on some kind of drug then. 

Tommy heard a door open and heard a man's voice.

"Hey, Ceceillia, oh--" Tommy though he heard dismay in the man's voice. 

"--am I interrupting something?" 

"No, Jack," The woman said. "I'm just checking a few things for the Boss. What is it?" 

"Oh, um, have you seen Alyssa?" Jack said. He didn't sound like a very confident man. 

"She is working in the Serum in Lab 254." 

"Oh, thank you, sorry to bother." 

The door closed and silence reigned again. 

The woman stepped over to Tommy again and looked at him. 

"I'm going to take you to Zach now." 

Tommy didn't think the woman was talking to him, she was simply voicing her thoughts. 

So Tommy sat there, completely awake as they rolled him down countless hallways and into a new room. 

The blonde-haired man that waited for him turned as Ceceillia wheeled him into the room. Tommy felt his blood run cold as he saw the sadistic smirk on the man's face. 

"What's he in for?" Zach asked. 

"Zach, you're the PT, what do I always bring them in here for?" Ceceillia said dryly.

Zach chuckled darkly and Tommy tensed against the chains. 

Please no. Pleaze not this guy.

"Physical Torture."


Fundy collapsed to his knees beside Tommy, one hand banging on the glass that separated them. 

"It's going to be okay, Tommy," He whispered through the slit. "You're going to be fine." 

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" He screamed, his vision going red.

Tommy looked at him one last time before the light in his eyes. The message that lay in those green irises were heart-wrenchingly clear. 

Help me. 

Fundy could do nothing about it.


Tommy folded in on himself as the Guard grabbed him and lifted him. That twisted leg dripping blood behind him.


Fundy watched as the laid Tommy on the stretcher. Watched as they put an IV in his arm. Watched as they wheeled him away. 

Fundy didn't stop screaming, didn't stop yelling even as Tommy went out of sight. Then he collapsed to his knees, his head against the glass and his hands-- his stupid useless, weak human hands beside him. 

He lifted them and looked at them. 

For the first time in his life, Fundy missed his claws. 

When he was sixteen three years ago, he had transformed. Became a monster in his family's eyes. He still remembered the shocked look on his mother's face, the disgust on his father's. The sad look on Emily's little face. 

He looked at that face as the Guards tackled him, looked at that face as they muzzled him. Muzzled him like a dog, like an animal. 

That was what they thought he was, an rabid creature ready to rip them apart. 

Fundy hadn't felt the urge to kill as he had been told all human do when they became hybrids. he had felt human emotions, human fear and humiliation. He had felt pain and betrayal. 

Then after that he had been kept in a dark cell, forced to eat from a bowl in the corner, forced to lap his water like a mutt. 

At least they allowed him to keep his clothes. He had forced them to. The last Guard that had tried to take his jacket walked away with out a hand. 

That jacket and pants, his last connections to the human world, to his life before. 

Now he didn't even have those. 

Fundy heard a click behind him and whirled, falling over his own feet. They were so much more awkward than the ones he was used to. 

A Guard grabbed his wrist and hold it there. A woman in a lab coat came up behind the Guard and smiled at him. 

"Come, Floris," She said and Fundy froze. How did she know his name. "The Boss would like to speak with you." 

"Aren't you going to shoot me with a tranquilizer?" The question slipped from his mouth before he could think about it. 

The woman smiled and laughed as if he had said something silly. 

"Of course not, why would I do that?" 

"B-because I'm a hybrid?" He asked again. 

"Oh, stop!" She said, barely able to contain her laugh. "You're so funny!"

Fundy looked at her, shock on his face and allowed the Guard to steer him through the glass doors of his cell and down the hall. 

After countless lefts and rights they finally halted before a door. There was a word engraved on a plaque of iron on the door. 

The Head

The woman opened the door and the Guard waved him inside. 

"Have fun!" The woman called as she closed the door behind her, leaving Fundy alone with the man behind the desk.

Get ready for some heavy angst!! 


Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now