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"Hey, bud, how are you?" Jack asked nonchalantly as he stepped into a bedroom. The walls were white as was the bed in the corner. A small desk sat in the other corner, beside a huge window that showed a view of the sea.

A fur rug lay on the floor and there was a small fireplace against one wall. The room was quite large, little items but necessities taking up the space. 

Jack had always disliked the fact that the Boss had decorated his son's room and not Ranboo himself, but then again, his apartment was even more depressing. 

"Hi, Jack." The soft voice came from the desk. The boy was sitting there, as always, drawing. 

"I brought us some hot chocolate today, don't tell your dad." Jack said as he walked over. 

"Don't worry, I won't." Ranboo said grinning. It was a joke between them. They both knew there were several cameras and microphones hidden in the room and Ranboo had almost no privacy. But they made fun of it non the less. 

"What are you drawing?" Jack asked, putting the mugs down and sliding into his chair. 

"I'm upgrading Ranboo." 

Jack studied the new sketch. Ranboo was an art prodigy in Jack's opinion. The boy was barely sixteen but could draw like Leonardo himself. The figure Ranboo was currently drawing resembled himself in a way. 

Jack couldn't help but notice the confident stance of the figure, the taller form, the long sinew tail. He even had a pair of sun glasses and wore a classy suit. 

So different from the pale boy before him. 

Due to the crystal pills he took, Ranboo was a halfling as Jack called him. There were dark splotches on the right side of his face and white ones on the left. His hair was colored the same way, except brown stuck through. 

Ranboo wore dark glasses hid his eyes from everyone, though he sometimes took them off when Jack was here. A red and a green eye. 

Jack looked up at the wall and studied the other drawings. They were of landscapes and flowers, nothing like the hybrids and action figures Ranboo liked to draw. His father always took those drawings away. 

"Did they finally find the Umbre and Lumina?" Ranboo asked as he too his mug, sipping from it. 

"Yeah," Jack said and heard a sigh from Ranboo. "They caught them." 

"Are they alright?" 

Jack looked at the young halfling's face. It was blank completely free of emotion. 

"I don't know, I don't work in that section. They were fine last time I saw them though." 

Ranboo nodded and then looked at Jack, taking of the glasses and blinking. 

Who else came in?

Jack replied in their secret language.

A pig hybrid, a fox and two rams.

Two rams? 

Yeah, one older one younger. 

Ranboo stilled at that. 

How young? 

Your age.

Ranboo looked at his cup dejectedly and Jack sighed. 

"I know it's hard for you, Ranboo," He started. 

"But that's the point, Jack! It isn't hard for me, it's hard for them. I know what it feels like to be one of them and I have told my father that but he won't listen... he never listens." 

"I get that, bud, but there is nothing you can do about it. I know you want to get out. I want you to get out too, but you can't because you father said so." 

Ranboo glared at him and Jack felt himself freeze in that gaze. They bore into him, pinning him to the spot and Jack stopped breathing. He couldn't move! He couldn't speak!


He blinked and a look of dismay flickered across Ranboo's face. 

"I'm so sorry, Jack! I didn't mean to!" He said and put his glasses back on. 

Jack decided to play it off as a joke. 

"Next I come, I'm going to have to bring a spray bottle with me. I'll squirt you like the cat you are." 

"Well at least I'm not bald." Ranboo shot back, a grin on his face and Jack feigned shock. 

"Excuse me, young man, but your father is going to be hearing about this!" 

Ranboo burst out laughing with Jack

After they had settled down again, they sat in comfortable silence for a while before Jack brought up the subject he had wanted to talk about. 

I found something.

Ranboo looked at inquiringly. 

Jack sat forward, his back blocking the view from one of the cameras. He pulled a small sample of the glowing berry from his pocket and put it on the table before Ranboo. 

Ranboo studied at and reached out. Jack grabbed his wrist and Ranboo's eyes glanced to his. 


Jack reached out and touched the berry, his hand turning purple as it came in contact with the fruit. Ranboo's eyes stretched wide and he looked at Jack. 

What does it do?

I'm not sure yet, I'm researching it. 

Does Alyssa know? 

Jack shook his head just as someone knocked on the door.

He quickly scooped up the fruit and put it back in his pocket. Despite being Alyssa being his sibling he hadn't told her yet. She already disagreed with him working in this department and being such a push-over. 

No he would wait.

Without waiting for an answer Alyssa slipped into the room. 

"Speak of the devil..." Jack said with a wry grin and Alyssa laughed. She had a beautiful laugh, one filled with innocence and still made one wonder why is contained so much mischief.

His sister was slightly taller than him and teased him mercilessly about it. Jack didn't mind. When she teased him there was no sting to his words and sometimes her comment would be so funny he too would laugh. 

She had pale brown hair and always wore a smile. 

"Hi Ranboo." She said as she shoved past Jack, ignoring him. 

"Hi Alyssa." Ranboo grinned as their bickering. 

Another thing that brought the three of them together was the fact that they had grown up in the facility. Jack and Alyssa had been chosen as babies from an orphanage. An honor as the Boss told him. 

Yes, it was an honor to work for this greater cause, to help Ranboo. 

"So, Jack, are you going to tell Alyssa about your little project?" Ranboo asked. Jack froze and looked at his friend, betrayal on his face. 

"No." He said and turned. 

"What project?" Alyssa asked, glancing between them

"Nothing..." Jack said and looked at his watch. He had a meeting he had to be at. 

"I need to go, see you guys later?" 

"Yeah." Alyssa said, looking at him an eyebrow raised. He shook his head lightly. Later. 

Jack walked from the room, and heard a scuffle down the third. he turned the corner and saw a cell door open. Strange. 

He heard muffled sounds and reached for the door. It should not be open. 

A werewolf walked out and right into Jack. 

Before Jack could react, there was a claw around his throat.

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now