United But Apart

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"I still don't think this is a good idea." Bad said softly as they gathered beneath the vent. 

"I know, Bad," Tommy said. "But if this is gonna get us out of the sewer and out, I'll do it." 

The shadows had started to play tricks on his mind. Hands had crept from the darkness and reached for him, for Bad, and when he turned his head towards them... they were gone.

He had to get out. 

Frost also seemed restless, her light flickering unsettlingly. She had heard someone up there, calling. Could it be another hybrid? 

Frost nodded and walked to the ladder in a confident manner. Her shivering tail betrayed her though. Something was bothering her, making her restless. 

Frost reached the top and pushed up, the vent coming off and bouncing into the road. 

"Come on." She whispered and slipped out. 

"Go." Tommy said, beckoning to Bad.

Bad looked at him strangely and Tommy thought he was going to argue, but Bad just nodded and climbed up the ladder with ease. 

Tommy wouldn't take the chance of the hands grasping Bad when he wasn't looking. Tommy started up the ladder and heard a whispering behind him. Panic coursed through him and he sped up, but couldn't help hearing the voices. 

You can't save them all. 

You left them and ran.


Fool, you have condemned them.

Wilbur is dead. 

Tommy shook hai head, trying to still the harsh whispers. 






"Tommy you okay?" Bad asked as he practically shot from the hole. 

Tommy calmed his breathing and made his face devoid of emotion. 


Suddenly two golden eyes appeared from the dark. 

A car. 

Bad froze in the headlights, like a deer caught in panic. 

The car sped up and Tommy could see the man at the wheel, his eyes wide with fear. 

Tommy's limbs felt leaden as he stood. He couldn't move. But then again, maybe it was better. The voices told him so.

The car came hurling on. 

"Get out of the road!" Someone yelled and Tommy felt himself being yanked roughly out of the way, just as a blue streak shot past. 

The car screeched past, missing Tommy by and inches. 

Tommy landed heavily on his back, the rough stone digging harshly into his back and squishing his spines. 

"What the hell were you thinking, Tommy?!" Someone yelled from above him. A shadowy figure towered over him and Tommy froze. The voice sounded familiar. 


"Yeah man, come on let's go." 

A paw grapped his arm and hauled him to his feet just as Frost and Bad came stumbling over. 

"Stupid, why didn't you move?" Frost demanded. "Are you blind?" 

"I'm fine thanks for asking." Tommy said wryly. 

The man burst from his car and glanced at them, his posture panicked. 

"You-you're hybrids!" He stammered and started to back away. 

Bad walked to him, holding his hands in front of him.

"Sir, calm down, we're—"

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTERS!" He yelled and spun a round sprinting down the street. 

Bad's form dropped as he watched the man run away from him in fear. 

"Come on, we need to get out of here." Fundy said. 

"Wait." Tommy said.

Tommy walked up to Bad and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"You okay, man?" He asked softly. Bad shuddered and then straightened, nodding. 

"Yeah." He said and turned, though he turned his face away. 

Tommy didn't miss the quick hand that wipe Bad's cheek. Neither did he miss the stain of tears. 

Fundy led them into a dark alleyway and then through a door. 

Into a  building. 

"Where are we going?" Tommy asked. 

"Up." Fundy simply answered. "I'll tell you when we get there." 

They went higher and higher and then through a door, into an apartment. 

"Fundy! You got them!" A white fox hybrid called from a doorway. 

"Yeah." Fundy said, smiling as the small body leapt into his arms. 

"Guys, this is my sister, Emily." He said and the little blue-eyed fix waved. 

Tommy was about to wave when a man burst from a side room, his face creased in worry. 

Images flashed before his eyes. The fever dream, a man, leaning over him, touching him. Talking with that dark-haired woman. 

The same man that he had seen come in before he went for his first session. The scientist. 

"You." He hissed. There was recognition in the man's eyes. 

"The Umbre—"

Tommy leapt at the man and tackled him to the ground, his claws raised and ready for the final blow. This man would not hurt anyone ever again. 

Someone ripped Tommy from the scientist's chest and he fought against them. 

"Tommy calm down!" Fundy yelled. 

"He works for them!" Tommy yelled. "He's one of them."

Fundy took him by the shoulders and stared at him, his claws digging into Tommy's skin. 

"No he is not, Tommy, he is one of us."

Still holding him, Fundy turned himself around and Tommy stared as the scientist pulled a golden vail from his pocket, downing the liquid inside it. 

Then the man was a human no longer, but a purple hybrid, a vicious looking scorpion tail curling behind him. 

The hybrid stepped forward and held out his clawed hand. 

"I'm Jack." He said. Tommy only stared at him until Jack put his hand down. 

"I know what I saw in there, and I knwow that they do too." Tommy said stepping forward and leaning close to the hybrid, his spines flaring. 

"And I know that anyone who is apart of that disgusting operation will never be like us, will never be one of us." He hissed and Jack flinched. Good. 

Tommy turned to the window and opened it, leaping out and leaving the calls of his friends behind. He turned to the moon and soared upward. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now