Down the Rabbit Hole

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Tommy opened his eyes but saw only black. There was only dark in this void. Dark and the taunting laughs. The voices of those hands mocked him endlessly. 

You didn't save your brother. 

After all he did for you. 

He's not coming back for you. 



The voices dimmed as another rose up in the dark and Tommy looked around. Wasn't he alone?

Tommy saw a pinpoint of color not far off. What was it? 

A person drifted through the dark, looking for someone. For him, Tommy realized. 

He felt the urge to cry out, to call for the person, but silenced himself. The man could not be trusted. 

Could he? 

The drifted closer and now Tommy could see the slightly freckled face, a worried frown plastered on it. He wore a green hoodie and black pants. Tommy saw him holding a glimmering crystal sword. 

What was this the eighteen-hundreds?

Tommy didn't feel a bad aura, like Zach's, instead this man was worried. Worried for him. 

Tommy didn't want to be left alone in the dark. 

"Hello?" He called, his voice hoarse. 

The man twisted around and his eyes searched the spot where Tommy was sitting. 

Could he not see Tommy? 

"Are you okay?" The man called and upon closer inspection Tommy saw that he was still young, seventeen or so. 

"No..." Tommy muttered as the man came closer. The hands finally showed themselves and the boy lunged back as they attacked him. 

He spun through the dark and retreated a few meters. The hands relented and came to Tommy. 

"Are you still there? What are those things?" The boy called, holding his sword before him. 

"I don't know." Tommy said and sighed deeply. Was this another cruel trick by Zach? 

"Okay, hold on, I'll come and get you!" 

The boy's sword started to glow, turning brighter and brighter. It lit up the dark and drove the hands away. 

"Oh, there you are." The boy said and smiled at Tommy, coming closer. 

Tommy only looked at him and the boy froze, looking back at the color where he had come from? 

"Do you want to come or not..?" He asked hesitantly. "I can leave you to your--" He gestured to the dark. "-- Depression..?" 

Tommy chuckled bitterly and stood. Was this real? 

He found he didn't care much. 

"Okay, let's go." He said and followed the boy. 

As they walked to the colors, Tommy felt the hands creep up behind them. 

"We should start running." He said nonchalantly. 

"What?" The boy glanced behind them and saw the roiling wave of darkness descending upon them. 

He muttered a curse and grabbed Tommy's claw pulled them forward. Tommy fell into a sprint beside the boy, easily keeping up with him.

"Hold on to me!" The boy yelled and grabbed Tommy wrist, Tommy grabbing his and holding on tight. They leapt into the pin-point of color and it exploded outwards, leaving Tommy in a swirling vortex of flashing images. 

"Brace yourself." The boy said as the end of the tunnel reared up. 

Tommy landed on his feet and stood just as quickly. He froze as he saw where they were. 

They were in a field, a huge blue lake of to one side and a mighty mountain range stretching into the distance. There were people to, no, there were hybrids. 

Hybrids strolled the fields, some sitting and talking, others chasing each other through the lush green grass. 

"Pretty cool isn't it." The boy said, coming to stand beside him. "Welcome to the Dream Dimension." 

Tommy only looked at the place in awe. 

The boy grinned and held his hand out. 

"I'm Dream by the way." 

"Tommy. I'm assuming you made this?" 

"Ha, nah, I only connect the people to it." Dream said and pointed to someone strolling towards them. "He did."


Technoblade slumped into his cell and sighed, wincing as he moved his shoulder. Cancer. 

Technoblade never dies. 

He had invented that slogan because he thought he had defeated the disease. Seems not. 

He remembered the day he became a hybrid. He had been happy, happy to leave the sickness behind. It was a turn of fate that his power was invincibility. 

He didn't have anyone he loved to look at him with disappointment, his father had died a few years ago. He remembered the short while in a cell just like this and then Wilbur had burst in and freed them. 

Wilbur and Techno, like brothers. 

Where was Wilbur now? Was he okay? 

Technoblade scoffed. Of course Wilbur was okay, he was the strongest person Techno knew.

But now as he lay on the bed, staring at the bland ceiling, Techno was a human. The sickness had come back to haunt him and was taking over. The scientist weren't doing anything about it. 

Techno had always hoped he would die fighting, in a glorious battle that would save countless hybrid lives. Not like this and not as Dave. 

Technoblade perked up as he heard a faint tapping beside him. He looked through the glass of his cell and saw a person on the other side, tapping on it.

It was a girl with jet-black hair and luminous blue eyes. He couldn't see anything strange about her and assumed she had been made a human. 

He didn't know why he stood and walked to her. He didn't know why he sat down in the corner beside her. Maybe he was feeling sorry for himself. Maybe he didn't want to be alone with the tumor. 

The girl tapped again and Techno frowned at her. She only lifted and eyebrow in response. 

The tapping sounded familiar. It came to Technoblade after a moment, remembering the lesson Phil had given him. It was Morse code. 


He tapped. 

She smiled at him.

Finally someone with competence. 

He smiled lightly. 

I'm Technoblade. 

She nodded slightly. 

I'm Wither.

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now