Shark Tank

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"Sorry..." Tommy mutters to the water-hybrid in the corner as he wipes blood from her tank. He turned back to the unconscious bodies on the floor and shoves them under a table. 

That should be good enough for now...

Someone tapped behind him and Tommy whirled around, arms up defensively. 

The hybrid frowned at him and then pointed to herself and to him.

She was tall for a girl, maybe six foot one, and had light cyan skin. Her hair was a darker shade of cyan and her eyes glimmered an intelligent green. She wore a hospital gown that floated around her and she had dark cyan fins on her arms and legs. She also had greenish fins instead of ears.

She had duck-like, wait no, raptor-like webbed feet with digitigrade legs and huge claws on her toes.  There were gills on the sides of her neck, fluttering as she breathed.

That lithe tail drifted lifelessly in the water, a drooping fin atop it. 

But the girl held her head high and fixed Tommy with a expectant stare.


She looked at him dryly and the message was so clear. 

You stupid ot something? 

"No, I am not stupid," Tommy said and stalked up to the tank. 

She raised an eyebrow and he huffed.

She mouthed something and he nearly fell back at the huge teeth that lined her mouth. It was almost cartoonish? 

She shut her mouth as she saw his fright and Tommy felt stupid. 

"Sorry, do you want to come out?" He asked sheepishly. 

She nodded and put a webbed hand against the glass. She had slim sharp claws. They looked like glass, almost fragile. 

"Won't you drown?" Tommy asked. 

She shook her head and clawed at the glass, those thin claws slipping ruthlessly into the glass. Tommy leapt forward and slashed with his own. Damn he was glad they grew back so quickly. 

A fountain of water burst from the hole and cracks started to spread. 

"Damn it." 

So much for trying to be silent. 

With a mighty shatter, the glass cracked and Tommy leapt on one of the tables just as a wave slammed into the floor. 

The hybrid pressed herself against the back of the tank and waited for the water to drain before she stepped out, those feet seeming unbothered by the sharp glass littering the floor. 

"Kinda hard to speak in the water," She said and stretched, shaking her tail back and forth. "Its been a while since I walked, gimme a sec."

Tommy heard a distant siren go off, wailing as red lights started to flash. 

Damn it.

"We need to go." Tommy said and gathered Bad up gently. 

"Follow me, I know a place." 

Tommy didn't know if he trusted the strange girl. Should he follow her? The sound f approaching footsteps made his answer abundantly clear. 

"Lead the way." 


They ran down the hallways, the girl-shark slowing down for Tommy. Tommy was grateful.

The alarm still screeched, lights flashing and more than thrice they had had to change directions. Tommy had long since lost track of where they were. 

"Where are we going?" Tommy asked worriedly. The girl frowned deeply and looked at the junction they were approaching. 


Oh no. 

"Do you even know where we are?" He asked harshly. If Bad got captured again because this girl didn't know the way then he swore to--

"Yeah, here." The girl leaned down and opened a vent on the floor, making quick work of the screws with her claws. Damn, Tomym wanted to learn how to do that. 

"I'll go in first, give your friend to me when I'm down."

She jumped into the dark and Tommy heard a muffled thump as she landed. 


Tommy hesitated. Did he really trust this girl? 

He heard shouting. The Guards were barely two hallways away. 

He leaned over and dropped Bad into the hole.

"I got him!" She yelled and he leapt into the hole, slipping the vent closed above them. 

Tommy and the girl fell silent as boots thudded past above them and then silence. They were safe. 


Tommy gasped in wonder as blue-ish light glowed to life along her body. Striped patterns illuminated the tunnel walls and Tommy realized the were in a sewer. 

"Let's go, I'll take you to my bunk." 

Tommy nodded and wordlessly took Bad back from the fish. 

"I'm Tommy, by the way." 

She smiled and held out a hand, Tommy grasping firmly. To his surprise it was neither wet not slimy. It was soft, like a snakeskin. 

"I'm Frost, nice to meet you." 

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