Travelling Home

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Tommy and Wilbur stood there across the line of destruction and life, one in the burnt landscape, the other one newly blossomed flowers. 

Finally, when Tommy had felt the stress and angst clear from his shoulders, Wilbur let go. He pushed his brother to and arm's length, holding his shoulders and looking at him intently. 

"You've grown, Tommy." He said softly, a small smile on his lips. Tommy saw a streak of white in Wilbur's hair and frowned at it, reaching out to tug it slightly. Wilbur looked up and laughed at his brother's face. 

"It happens when I use a lot of my power at once." He said and pointed at the destruction behind him. 

Tommy remembered Tubbo and looked behind him. Tubbo had sat up, rubbing his eyes and looked at them strangely. 

"He is my brother, Tubbo." Wilbur said, smiling at Tommy. 

"Oh." Was all Tubbo said as he stared at the two Hybrids in awe but mostly at Wilbur. Tommy realized that Wilbur must indeed have a high status in the hybrid community. 

"Come, brother," Wilbur said, ruffling Tommy's hair lovingly. "Let's go home." 

Wilbur opened his wings and looked up at the sun above them, spreading his arms wide as he grabbed both Tommy's and Tubbo's wrists. 

He breathed in deeply as swirling flickers of light started to dance around him. Tommy felt a piece of light brush his thigh and unlike the burning he had expected, a comforting warmth filled him. 

Tommy felt the peace of the surreal moment fill him, hold him gently as he too breathed in deeply. If Tommy had his eyes open at that moment he would have seen Wilbur watching him intensely, wondering what secrets his brother still held close. 

What power he might posses. 

Wilbur turned his focus back to the feeling of calm as the light fragments grew thicker around them, swirling upward and covering them safely in a cocoon of pure light. 

If any outsider had witnessed them, they would have seen a pure white wall of twirling particles rise of the ground slightly, watching as the light shot upwards. They would have seen three forms of pure light inside the cocoon, shining brighter and the light around them , vanish and follow the light upward. 

They left a small rainbow behind. 


Tommy felt the wind in his hair, saw the landscape fall away below them but didn't recognize them. It felt like he was in a dream, another dimension. He only felt peace and calm in the place that Wilbur had brought them too. 

It was beautiful. 

He saw them approach a mountain, a waterfall of a million rainbows spilling down from it's heights. Wilbur directed them to the bottom of the waterfall where a clear blue pool lay. They floated down gently, settling on the lush grass beside it. 

Tommy felt the weight return to his body as it solidified from the light. As the feeling of weightlessness faded from him a fragment of the peace remained. 

Then the world and reality returned.

"Welcome back, Wilbur!" A feminine voice called and Tommy looked around, freezing as he saw the source. 

A woman had popped up from the pool, though she was unlike any woman he had ever seen. She had faded pink skin that brightened along her back, a thin fragile-looking fin jutting out from her spine. 

She had clear brown eyes and shoulder-length pink hair. What caught Tommy's eyes though was the numerous loops of a similar pink that peeped out of the water behind her. 

She had a very, very long tail, almost like the Loch-Ness monster from legends.

"Hello Niki." Wilbur said, smiling at the creature. Niki glanced at Tommy questioningly and then back at Wilbur. 

"Niki," Wilbur said, his eyes alight with joy. "This is my brother, Tommy." 

Tommy gave a slight wave as Niki's face lit up. 

"Really? He is a hybrid?" She asked. A shadow passed over Wilbur's face. 

"Yeah, he looks a lot like me don't you think?" He asked and started walking around the pool. 

"Wait, what does she mean, 'he is a hybrid'?" Tommy asked, looking at Wilbur. 

His brother looked at him and smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. 

"I'll explain later, let's get inside first." Wilbur said, walking towards the waterfall. 


Wilbur grinned at his brother, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

As they approached, a part of the waterfall peeled away, revealing a tunnel behind it. Tommy saw Niki smile in satisfaction. 

Had she done it? 

He followed Wilbur and Tubbo into the tunnel. To his surprise it was quite light in there despite there being no source. Strange. 

"Welcome to the HQ." 

Wilbur had stepped into another room and Tommy came to stand beside him. What he saw took his breath away.

It was not a simple room, but a cavern. 

The cave seemed to be an ecosystem by itself. Strange plants hung from the ceiling, glowing golden fruit hanging from the green vines. A few building populated the bottom of the cave and Tommy saw people milling about, no.... not people.... hybrids. 

Waterfalls tumbled from the high walls of the cavern causing a low hum to fill the cave. Something about the sound comforted Tommy. It was constant and unfaltering. 

Unlike his life. 

A huge dam stretched in the middle of the space, amidst grass and trees. In the water, green vines reached up, ending and a pod of leaves, like a bowl. 

Wilbur smiled at his brother's astonished face. 

"Come on, Tommy, let me show you you're new home." 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now