First Blood

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There were five helicopters, each with a machine gun hanging out of the door. A dozen strange black drones flitted between the helicopters, rifled protruding from the bottom.

Tommy glanced at his brother and gasped as he saw the blinding orb of light that formed between Wilbur's hands. The light from his body flowed into the orb and it grew. Wilbur's dark eyes were alight with the fire of battle. 

His brother threw his hands forward and a beam of light shot outward, enveloping one of the helicopters. The chopper exploded in a ball of searing flame, setting two of the drones spinning down and out of control. 

Tommy dodged to the side as one of the drones came flying by, digging his claws into the metal and tearing it apart. 

"Nice one!" Wilbur yelled, as he summoned another orb of light. 

Tommy spun left and landed atop a drone, digging into the thing and slicing through the wires. The right light above it flickered and died. Tommy kicked it and the drone flew down. Tommy watched with a satisfied smile as the thing smashed to pieces, sending up a small plume of smoke. 

Wilbur let go of his power and incinerated another helicopter. And the people inside it. 

The Guard. 

Deep inside him, Tommy felt something revolt at the thought of killing. True, the Guard would round up his new family and deliver them to the scientist. True, they worked for the government. But they were still people, weren't they? 

"Tommy, behind you!" Wilbur yelled and Tommy twisted upward. His spines felt the drone shoot by beneath him. Tommy twisted around in a backflip and flew after the drone, grabbing it and slicing deep into it's core. 

Two drones whizzed past him as he dropped the ruined one. Something slammed into him from behind and sent Tommy spinning through the air, out of control. 

Tommy tucked his wings in, just like he had seen Phil do and right himself. He opened them as he saw the ground reach up for him and caught the air, pumping his wings down. 

He winced at the muscles stretched from the sudden unfurling. 

Tommy shot up, back to his brother, and found two drones circling him. He banked to the side as one dove for him. Why weren't they using the guns? 

The bam of gunfire ran out just as he thought that and twisted as another drone came for him. It was the machine gun from one of the helicopters. 

Wilbur twisted expertly through the air and dove, spinning as he went. Tommy saw him gather another gleaming ball in his hands and twist around in a three-sixty, shooting the beam as he turned. 

The third helicopter exploded and Wilbur yelled in truimph. 

Tommy latched onto one of the drones and twisted it around, just as a stream of bullets exploded from the rifle beneath it. He angled it toward the second drone and watched as it was peppered with small bullets. The light went out and it fell. Tommy sent the other one after. 

"Tommy, how are you faring?" His brother asked, coming up beside him. Tommy gaped at him. 

"Wil, I think you need to slow down on the light beams." 


Half of Wilbur's hair was a startling white. 

Wilbur grabbed his hair and pulled it down, looking at it quizzically. 

"Half?" He asked and Tommy nodded. 

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Wilbur said and smiled, gathering another ball of energy between his fingers. 

"Get behind me!" He yelled as the two remaining helicopters came at them. 

Tommy dove behind his brother as a stream of machine gunfire ripped through the air. Straight for Wilbur's heart. 

Tommy watched in frozen horror as the bullets neared... and then vanished. They glowed right before they disappeared, as if an unbelievable heat seared them from exitance. 

"I  have a faint light shield around me, it burns the bullets!" Wilbur yelled. "It's pretty cool isn--"

Tommy glanced up as Wilbur cut off, frozen with horror as he saw what approached them from behind the helicopters. 

By Niki's pond, the ground was alive with Guards, their black plater bodies streaming through the woods like ants. A dozen more helicopters and at least fifty drones came after the first force. 

Wilbur angled his light beam at the two helicopters and incinerated them, turning his beam on the helicopters behind it. Tommy watched as the white hair crept down, swalloing the familiar brown. 

"Wil, stop!" He cried. 

Wilbur killed his beam as a dozen drones exploded, along with two helicopters. 

"It's not going to be enough..." His brother muttered as they watched the approaching army. 

"We need to go, Wil." Tommy urged, pulling on his brother's shoulder. 

Wilbur twisted around and looked at the end of the cavern, studying the people in the far distance. 

"We need to buy them more time." Wilbur said. 

Tommy glanced to the end of the cavern. He couldn't see anything. His brother's vision was much better than his then. 

"Niki moves them through a water tunnel, three at a time. They're not going to make it." 

Before Tommy could stop him, Wilbur sprayed his light into another helicopter. The explosion rocked the skies and took ten drones with it. 

Wilbur's head was only white now. 

Tommy saw a Guard aim his weapon at Wilbur. 

"Wil." He said, trying to pull his brother back. 

"Let go, Tommy!" Wilbur yelled and yanked away... just as the Guard fired. 

Wilbur screamed as the bullet, meant for his heart, thudded into his white wings, blood spraying from the wound. Wilbur glanced at his brother once, a look of regret in his eyes, and dropped to the ground.

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