Stage Two

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Jack hurried down the hall, scanning his ID on doors. He had to get to the secure holding cells. He was sure he had seen two goat hybrids in there. It might be the ones Fundy told him about. 

He walked to the final door and hesitated before swiping his card over the sensor. 

A red light flashed over it. Damn it!

What was he supposed to do? 

Jack turned and walked back the way he had come. There had to be someway he could still get the information he wanted. He turned left to the lesser cells, where they kept the weaker hybrid-humans and froze. 

It didn't help that Fundy had told him what the hybrid's faces looked like. They were all humans!

They were still in the early stages of this plan and something had already gone terribly wrong.

An idea popped into Jack's mind. A dangerous, horrible idea. 

But it might work. 

If Jack could just do the one thing he had always failed at it would work. 

He had to lie his way into the Data Room. 


Jack approached the room, sweating beading on his forehead. If he was caught here unauthorized, he could be sent to jail, or worse, his friends would be found out. 

Jack cracked open the door and waited for someone to say something. Was there anyone inside? 

No whisper of life came from the sliver. 


Jack slipped inside and closed the door behind him. He immediately walked to the corner where the computers were kept and plugged his hard drive into one.

The computer loaded up and Jack swept into the system, his fingers flying over the keyboard. 

Several results came up to his search. 

Yes! Here was the first hybrids he was looking for. 

Toby Schlatt: Goat-hybrid. 

J. Schlatt: Goat-hybrid.

Dave Harrison: Pig-hybrid. 

Jack downloaded the files on his hard-drive and scrolled through the rest of the hybrid sections. 

Where was the last one? 

Where was the Lumina? 

The door creaked open behind him and Jack jumped, slipping the hard-drive from the computer. He powered the computer down just as someone spoke behind him. 

"Jack? What are you doing in here?" 

Oh no. Ceceilia. 

Jack mentally steadied himself before turning around with a nonchalant smile on his face. 

"Ceceilia," He said, his voice cracking slightly. "Uh-yeah I um, was just, um, doing some research for the um, Cure." 

Ceceilia arched an eyebrow and stared at him skeptically. 

Oh no, she was onto him. 

She knew, she knew, she knew. She knew. 

"Oh okay, well then, I just came in here to grab a few files. I assume you're all done?" 

Jack nearly gaped at her but stopped himself just in time. 

"Yeah, yes, I um, I am done," He said and smiled, scooting past her to the door. "Bye, Ceceilia."

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now