In Action

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Jack bolted upright for a third time that day, straight from the void of unconsciousness.

"Jack, you okay man?" Ranboo asked his voice distorted.

Jack brought a hand to his forehead and closed his eyes, hoping the world would stop spinning.

He sat there for a moment, breathing deeply as a throbbing headache plagued him once more. He really had to work some painkillers into the formula for the hybrids.

"Yeah..." He muttered after a minute and opened his eyes. Ranboo held out his hand and Jack took it, Ranboo pulling him upright.

Without a word, Ranboo helped him gather up his things, stashing the notes into a leather briefcase he found.

Jack nodded gratefully as he took the case, slipping the small vails of liquid into it.

Ranboo followed him out the door and down the hall. Jack expected him to leave at the next junction, that led to his room, but Ranboo continued with him a determined expression on his face.

"No." Jack said, halting.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Ranboo asked, frowning.

"You are not coming with me."

Ranboo's face fell.

"But I'm so sick of being pent up in that room the whole time, Jack, I want to get out."

Jack felt bad for the kid, he had barely tasted freedom in his short life. But Jack wasn't about to bring Ranboo into his problems. He didn't think the kid realized how big his discovery was.

"No, not yet. I need someone inside for in case something happens and I'm not able to return." Jack said and ruffled in his bag, pulling out a small earbud.

"Here, you can put this in, don't worry it'll be small enough that no one will notice. I'll be in contact."

Ranboo took it, his eyes alight with mischeouve. Then his face fell.

"Are you coming back?"

Jack stared at him in surprise. HE put a reassuring hand on Ranboo;s shoulder, despite being nearly eye to eye with the boy.

"I will never leave you behind when we leave, Ranboo. Never."

Ranboo looked deep into his eyes and nodded. He didn't need his strange eyes to know Jack was telling the truth.

"Thank you." He muttered and turned back to the junction. Back to his room. Jack felt guilty as he saw the teen walk away, his shoulders slumped.

"Hey, Ranboo!" He called and the teen looked back.


"I need you to draw a character for me, okay? And get me a cool superhero name!"

Ranboo smiled broadly and nodded.

Jack grinned as he turned back. That kid was something, whether he knew it or not, Jack knew Ranboo was destined to be great.

That kid was going to help change the world one day.


Tommy, Bad and Frost were stalking down the sewers. Bad it seemed was one for constant conversation and though Tommy and Frost were glad he was back on his feet, Tommy saw the incessant stream of words was starting to bother her.

It seemed she was used to talking all the time and didn't like sharing the spotlight.

Or maybe she just liked communicating in other ways.

"Wait, so how far until we reach the first breach?" Tommy asked.

"About three days. The facility goes on for quite a while." She said and her glow flickered. The light she made took up a lot of energy and they had to rest frequently.

Despite Frost's arguing and telling him she was not tired, Tommy didn't budge. He would not have her passing out and unconscious.

What he didn't say was that he didn't want her passing out and leaving them in the dark.

Despite his moment of bravery, diving after Bad, Tommy didn't know what the suffocating sewers would do to him. Would the hands come and drag him away?

He would rather die.

No, even if it took them longer to get out of the sewers, Tommy would not allow the little bit of light they had, die. He couldn't risk it.

"What's your favorite type of muffin?" Bad asked Frost and she pulled a face.

"I dunno, I have never tasted a muffin." She said and Bad gasped in shock.

"What?! Well, we're going to fix that once I have baking supplies."

"Okay, so... I'm just gonna swim for a while." She said.

"Yeah, that's fine, I'll congure a light." Bad said and a glowing ball of red light appeared in his hand. "Have fun!"

Tommy felt his chest constrict as he saw the shark-hybrid dive into the water and vanish beneath the surface.

"So, what the plan, Tommy?" Bad asked once she was gone.
"I think we should get out and try find Phil, then we can come back and rally a force to storm the facility." Tommy said.

"Yeah, but remember this facility is huge! It's going to take forever for us to find the others."

Tommy didn't say anything and Bad frowned.

"What else are you planning?"

"I didn't mean just the others, Bad."

Bad halted at that.

"What do you mean?" He asked hesitantly.

"I mean we're getting everyone out, Bad. I don't care what the scientists think their doing but it's wrong and inhumane and cruel. We're going to get everyone out."

"And what then? Where do we take them all?" Bad asked skeptically.

"I don't know, but I fell freedom is better than they conditions they are living in now."

"Fighting for freedom is better than this, Bad."

Bad stayed quiet for a moment.

"Is dying for people you don't know worth it?"

Tommy wondered about it for a moment.

"Yes." He said determinedly. "Without a doubt."

That earned an almost bitter laugh from Bad.

"You know, Wilbur always used to say something like that."

"Yeah? What was it?"

Bad smiled softly.

"Independence or death." 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now