Stage One

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"Okay, I have a plan." Tommy said. 

They were all seated in the living room, Tommy standing in front of them. 

"Jack, I need you to scout out the facility and tell us where our friends are. Family is our main priority. I want you to tell whoever you can trust in the facility to be ready by tomorrow. That's when we're breaking in." 

Jack nodded from his spot on his stool, his scorpion tail arching behind him. 

"There is only a slight problem, I'm not authorized in all parts of the facility."

Tommy frowned and then nodded thoughtfully. 

"Is there someone that you know in there that you trust that has the status to enter all parts of the facility?" 


"Yes, I think I have someone." 

"Okay, then, when we know where everyone is, we can sneak in and extract them. I will contact the rest of the people with Emily." 

"What?" Fundy asked, perking up. 

"In the facility I met a hybrid that can enter people's dreams. His friend, George, created a dimension and Dream, the hybrid, connects people to it. From what you have told me, Fundy, Emily has some kind of telepathic ability." 

Fundy nodded and Emily grinned.

"Good, then tonight, Jack, when you return, we will discuss the second act of the plan." 

Jack raised a hand hesitantly.

"Yes, Jack, you don't have to raise your hand." 

Jack smiled sheepishly. 

"Tommy, the facility is at least three kilometers wide and fifteen in total length. How are we going to comb through that structure with just six people." 

Tommy fell silent and looked at the floor, he felt their eyes on him. 

"If everything goes well, then we will have more reinforcements. Jack, I want you to have thirty of those golden vails ready. I don't know how many hybrids they have turned into humans but we're going to need all of them. Can you do that?" 

"Yes." Jack said determinedly. 

Tommy realised how much of their plan relied upon Jack. 

Tommy hoped he was making the right decision, trusting the man.

"Okay, then let's begin." 


Tommy lay on the bed, Bad and Emily on either sides of him. 

"Do you think this is going to work, Bad?" He asked quietly. 

"I don't know, but I think its worth a shot." Bad said, an orb of red light between his palms. 

"Are you ready?" Bad asked Tommy. 

Tommy nodded and tried to stop the shivers running up his spine. He could do this. 

"Tommy, I must warn you, this could be really dangerous. What if I send you into deep sleep and you don't wake up? What do we do then?" 

Tommy really didn't want to go back into that dark void. He really didn't want to fall into that endless dark again. But he had to. There was no other way he could think off. 

Every moment he spent doubting was a moment his friend were being tortured. 

"Do it, Bad." He said, looking into those white eyes. "I trust you." 

Bad hesitated but then nodded. He took the orb of light and held it above Tommy's head. 

"Good luck, Tommy..." Was all Tommy heard before darkness over took him. 


"Okay, Emily, you can do this." Bad said as the small fox put her hands on Tommy's temples. 


She gasped and her fur stood on end. A small spark of blue light flashed at her finger tips.

"Emily?" Bad asked. Was she okay? She had gone completely still. 

"Emily?!" Bad grabbed her shoulder and black flashed before his eyes. A moment later, he crumbled to the floor, motionless. 


Jack walked into his office and put the formula into his heating bottle, setting a timer. If he had to get everything done today, he would have to multitask. He still had to go talk to Ranboo. 

Jack gathered his notes and readied his ingredients. He couldn't help but stare at his human hands. To his surprise, he realized he had gotten used to his hybrid hands. 

Somehow, he felt uncomfortable in this form. Strange. 

Jack checked the timer once more and then walked from his office, locking the door behind him. 

He glanced at his watch and grimaced. It was already 11:30 AM and he hadn't even started. He still had to comb through the entire facility and find the hybrids Fundy had described. 

Security had been strict today. Apparently some hybrids had escaped and the facility was experiencing a code orange. Jack had pretended to act all surprised and worried as a Guard told him the news. 

It wasn't like he was holding those very escapees in his apartment or anything. 

He stopped before Ranboo's door and knocked, waiting for it to open. 

Nothing happened. 

He knocked again, this time a little louder. 

Still nothing.

"Hello?" He called. Only silence greeted him. 

Jack felt the small hairs on his neck stand on end. Something was wrong. 

He opened the door, only to find the room deserted. There was no sign someone had been living in it for the past seven years. There weren't even drawings on the wall. The room was empty and cold. Unwelcoming.

Jack turned to head back to his lab, trying to ignore the small voice in his head that told him to run. To get out now. Danger. 

Jack avoided the corner to his lab and instead headed in the opposite direction. 

After a minute of walking he stopped in front of a lab. 

He opened the door without knocking and found his sister bent over notes. 

"Hey, Jack," She said and stood, coming to give him a hug. "I haven't seen you in two days, where were you?" 

"I have been... busy." He said and hugged her back. She let go and frowned up at him. Jack didn't know how she read him that easily, maybe he was just bad at hiding his emotions. 

But his tense posture and pale skin told otherwise. 

"What's wrong?" She asked, worry lacing her tone. 

"I..." Could he trust her? 

If they had found him out, could he trust her?

"I need some help." He said and pulled a paper from his coat pocket, handing it to her. 

"Complete this formula for me, okay? I need thirty five-gram vails by tomorrow." 

"Why? What do you need this for?" She asked. 

"I... I can't tell you yet," If she knew more than she needed to, they might find her out. He was protecting her. "Just trust me. I know what I'm doing." 

She stared at him for a moment, her dark eyes searching him. 

Then she nodded. 


"Thank you." Jack muttered and hugged her before slipping out of the door. 

Now, for the hybrids.

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now