The Big Boom

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"I'm that what?" Tommy demanded, looking at from Quackity's ashen face to Wilbur sullen features. 

"The Umbre, the shadow, my equal and opposite." Wilbur's words were clipped. Hard. 

"Shit." Quackity swore, slamming his fists into the table. 

Tommy didn't know what to think. The second most powerful hybrid in the world. How did Wilbur know this, why hadn't he told Tommy before?

"Well, besides that little point. There is something more serious we need to discuss." Quackity said after he regained is composure. 

"What is it?" Wilbur asked, rubbing the space between his eyes. 

"They found a way to track power auras, Wilbur." 

Wilbur froze at that and his eyes turned cold. Tommy's spines lifted at the look, the room suddenly feeling a lot colder. 

"We need to leave. Right now." 

"What?" Tommy blurted. 

Quackity nodded seriously and bolted dup the tunnel. 

"Wilbur what is going on?" Tommy demanded. 

"Tommy, they can track power auras and we are the two biggest powerhouses in the world. We're probably flaring on their radars." 

Tommy felt the blood drain from his face as realization struck him. He and Wilbur had brought down another home. It was their faults. 

"Why didn't you tell me about the scan?" Tommy demanded, his voice rising. Wilbur ignored the tone and bolted up the tunnel after Quackity, Tommy close on his heels. 

"Because I didn't know what to make of it." Wilbur yelled back. "You're an ethereal, Tommy, an unknown. It means we didn't know what you're scan results were. Just like mine."

They burst from the tunnel, seeing Quackity bolt from Hannah's house and to the village. Quackity saw them and ran their way. 

"How long has he been here?!" He yelled as he came to a stop.

"Nearly two days." Wilbur said, sliding into a run for the village. 

"That means they have probably pinpointed this location already." Quackity gasped. 

Steely calm settled over Wilbur as he entered the plaza. 

"Everyone! Get to the back! Get to Niki and the water tunnels!" He yelled. 

The inhabitants streamed into their houses to grab necessities. Tommy saw no screaming kids, no panicking people. They had obviously trained for this. Though what the hard faces told him, was that they had hoped the day would never come. 

"We need someone to go alert Niki!" Quackity called. 

"I'll go--"

"No." Tommy said, grabbing his brother's arm. "I'll go, your people need you." 

Before Wilbur could protest, Tommy launched himself into the air. He soared over the rooftops and saw Phil. The kind man was helping the people by carrying the children on his back. 

Tommy saw a river of people, maybe twenty five in total, stream for the back of the cavern.

Tommy pumped his wings, bee-lining for the entrace above the stairs. With deadly precision he dove into the tunnel, the tips of his wings scraping the walls. 

He burst into sunlight and blinked furiously as his eyes became accustomed to the light.

"Niki!" He yelled as he landed flapped to the middle of the lake. A head popped up from the water and the smile faded from Niki's face as she read the urgency in Tommy's features. 

"You need to go to the water tunnels, Niki, they're coming!" 

With a single nod, Niki vanished below the waters and into the depths. 

Tommy sighed with relief, knowing help was on the way. A faint whining sound caught his attention and he pumped his wings, rising above the tree-line. 

Tommy saw a dot move at the corner of his vision and twisted, folding his wings. That instinct saved his life. 

A missile flew past Tommy, missing him by inches as it buried itself in the waterfall. Tommy fell down, completely aware of the inevitable explosion that would follow. He had nowhere to hide. 

Something called to him in that second as he fell. Something that cannot be put into words. Tommy extended one hand to the trees and the tip of his finger brushed the shadows they cast. 

Tommy felt the shadows pull him in, envelope him. The world around him dimmed, as if he was looking at it through tinted glass. 

A soft boom erupted and a wave of solid fire crashed into Tommy. He didn't feel a thing. 

As the shadows vanished, Tommy was ripped from the safe cocoon and thrown into the water below.

For a moment, his vision went black.

Sound became muted and a loud ringing buried itself in Tommy's ears. He shook his head, trying to clear the groggy mess that swirled within it. He had to go tell Wilbur. 

The scientist were already here. 

Tommy swam, pushing himself up and to the shore. Once there he shook out his wings, water spraying in all directions. A phantom rainbow shimmered in the sunlight. 

Tommy leapt forward and gasped at the destruction before him. There was no tunnel, only a huge gaping hole. The thud-thud-thud of a helicopter drummed above. 

Tommy bolted for the hole, spreading his wings as he went. he flapped up and down, drying them as he ran. He leapt into the air and over the chasm. The people had only halfed the distance to the end of the tunnel. 

"TOMMY!" A feminine voice called from beneath. Tommy dove down as he saw the twisting body of Niki. He winced as he saw the damage the explosion had done. 

The water-hybrid was clutched between two boulders, her long tail bleeding from puncture wounds. A low groan emanated from the rock and the boulders shifted. 

Niki screamed in agony as tons of solid stone pushed down on her. Yet, she didn't stop fighting. She knew the people need her. 

She didn't stop fighting even as the boulders slowly started to tear her apart.

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now