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Tommy stopped back slightly as the thing slinked forward, this eyes unfaltering. 

"Fundy, it stopped being funny the last thirteen times you did this with a newcomer." Wilbur said exasperated. The eyes froze and blinked slowly, intelligently. 

There was a low irritated huff and something stepped from the tunnel. "Fine." 

The creature stepped forward, laying a single fire-colored paw on the ground. Delicate black claws pierced the dirt underfoot. A second later a shiny black nose appeared and then those shining eyes emerged. 

They were a dazzling blue, the color of a tropical ocean, a beautiful contrast to the fiery pelt. 

The rest of the creature emerged, standing on all fours. The hair on the back of Tommy's neck stood up. The creature came nearly to his elbow in height while standing on all fours. Then the thing stood and towered two heads above Wilbur.

He looked like some types of fox hybrid.

It wore a black coat with different colored stripes down the front and a black hat that had two ears sticking through. A long swishing tail flowed behind it, the end flowing into white. 

It wore a white shirt under the coat and a silver belt held his back pants up. The lower half of his muzzle was white like a fox's. Those eyes glimmered with taunting laughter.

The creature grinned as he saw Tommy's face. 

"Good to see you again, Wilbur." The fox drawled and slid those eyes to Wilbur. 

"And you my friend," Wilbur pointed to Tommy. "This is my brother Tommy, Tommy this is Fundy, he is our Hybrid specialist and probably the smartest person in this family." 

Tommy saw Fundy smile lightly at the compliment and then try to play it off with a huff.

Tommy stuck out his hand in greeting and Fundy took his shaking it. He had a firm grip and the pads on the underside of his hand were soft on Tommy's skin.

"Yooo, those are some nice claws you got there, Tommy." Fundy has flipped his hand over and was studying the black part. 

"T-Thank you?" Tommy muttered. 

"Well then, let's begin." Fundy said and slammed a fist into a button behind him. 

One of the tunnels behind him lit up with a reddish glow. Fundy started to walk down it, swaggering confidently on two legs. 

Tommy and Wilbur followed him into a much larger room that held silver machinery.

Several computer screen flowed from a desk and a table lay in the middle, a blue light shining over it. 

"Please take a seat on the table, I'm going to scan you." Fundy said and turned to the computers.

Tommy walked to the table and laid down on the soft surface. It seemed Fundy had stuffed some blanket beneath it, to make it more comfortable. Tommy was thankful. 

It was only was he laid down did he realize how sore his back was and how tired he was. His limbs felt leaden and he just wanted to close his eyes and sleep. 

"Please hold still." Fundy said as his paws flew over the keyboard. Tommy wondered heather Fundy had hands, since he had a thumb, or whether he had paws. 

Probably hands. 

The blue light above Tommy swiveled and focused on him. It began to scan, sweeping across his body with a steady beep. Tommy's eyes started to flutter. 

"Just hold on a few more minutes, Tommy, then I'll take you to a bed." Wilbur whispered in his ear. 

"Okay." Tommy said nodding his head. 

Before Tommy knew it the scam was over and Wilbur was dragging him from the table. 

"I'll scan the results and bring them to you pronto, boss." Fundy said without looking away from the table. 

"Yeah, thanks Fundy, and you don't have to call me boss." 

There was only a huff of a reply from the fox. 

Wilbur drapes Tommy's arm around his shoulder and walked him back up the tunnel. 

"Not in the dark again." Tommy muttered and Wilbur looked at him worriedly. Wilbur creates a small ball of light in his palm as they walked up the final tunnel. 

Tommy must have drowned off as they walked because when he woke up he was laying a bed with Wilbur tucking the blankets in around him. 

"Sleep well, Tommy." Wilbur whispered as he stood. 

"Goodnight." Tommy muttered. 

As his consciousness sank away, Tommy heard someone enter the room and ruffling of papers and then voices. Fundy and Wilbur. 

"Here are the results, Wil." 

A minute of silence. 

"This is bad." 

Tommy fell into the abyss that was sleep. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now