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"Tommy..." a voice whispered in his ear. 

Tommy groaned and rolled over, turning his back on the person. 

"Tommy." The voice was more insistent. 

"Nooooooo...." Tommy drawled, frowning. "Sleep..."

"Tommy you're going to miss breakfast!" 

That got his attention. 

Tommy bolted upright and his forehead slammed against something rock hard. 

"Owww." He groaned rubbing the sore spot. He opened his eyes and saw Tubbo staring at him, grinning.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He demanded throwing the covers aside and staring the ram hybrid down. 

"I remember the days when I was hurt by head slams. Now—" Tubbo tapped his skull. "—I have a  thick skull."

Tommy just sighed and stretched, his arms slammed into the wall behind him. Tommy cried out as it sent him forward and into Tubbo. The ram hybrid held his arms out to catch his friend and grabbed his shoulders, propping him upright again.

"You okay, Tommy?" 

"Yeah." Tommy sighed, wincing. 

"You should be careful with those wings, Tommy." Tubbo said and turned around, walking to the door. 

"Wings..?" Tommy glanced behind him and saw his wings half unfurled. He concentrated and was delighted when the wings pulled back closer to his body. 

"Huh." He said, satisfied. He followed Tubbo out he door and into a small living room.

There were two chairs in front of a small fireplace, a rug places between them. 

He emerged from the small house and looked around. He was standing on a small rise, looking down on what seemed like a small village. There was plaza in the middle of it, the houses built in a circle around it. Small bushes with purple flowers were planted in neat rows by my the path that led to the village.

"Come on, Tommy!" Tubbo called as he trotted down the path.

Tommy followed him, running down the hill to the small village and entering. He got friendly waves and nods from the people around him. A guy with green skin and a gas mask that only covered his mouth waved at him. 

He even saw Fundy, trotting around the plaza and speaking with an old man. The man had blonde hair and two obsidian black wings behind him. 

"Here, Tommy!" 

Tommy's eyes shot to where Tubbo was waving from a small wooden house. It was a modest cabin and rich green curtains hanging from the windows. Blue flowers were planted in front of the house.

Tommy walked to the door and stood awkwardly, wondering whether or not he should just enter. 

"Hello, young man."

Tommy jumped as a voice sounded behind him. How had the man been so quiet?

Behind him stood an older man, probably in his thirties. He had curling horns that reached almost to his shoulders and solid hooves with furry goat legs. He wore a loose brown pants with a leather belt. 

Something about the man demanded the respect of everyone he met, it called them to attention. Tommy nodded his head respectfully.

"Good morning, sir." 

The hybrid let out a laugh and trotted up the stairs beside Tommy, holding his hand out. Tommy took it and they shook. 

"It's hardly morning, young man, it's nearly ten." The older man laughed and turned, trotting into the house. 

"Is this your house, sir?" Tommy asked as he tentatively stepped over the threshold. 

The man laughed, a deep hearty sound that echoed through the house and all around the plaza. It set Tommy at ease.

"I would hope so!" The man exclaimed. Tubbo popped into the room from an opposite one. 

"Dad!" He grinned and hugged the older man, who wrapped his muscles arms around Tubbo. 

Wait... this was Tubbo's dad? 

"Tommy, this is my dad, dad, Tommy." Tubbo said.

"Oh, well, it's good to meet you, Tommy, I'm J. Schlatt." Tubbo's dad said, holding his hand out again. 

Tommy took it, smiling. 

"Good to meet you, sir." 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now