Class Two

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Tommy fell to the sand for at least the hundredth time, he had stopped counting after the first ten minutes with the instructor. His entire body hurt and every muscle was sore. He was sure he was more blue than white.

He had lost count of time too, though he was sure they had been busy for at least three hours if not more. He forced himself to his legs again and fought to keep his knees from shaking with fatigue. 

Technoblade came at him again and Tommy lunged past his first swing, sending his own towards Technoblade's side. Technoblade blocked his punch and kicked out, sending him shooting across the circle. 

Tommy twisted around like Technoblade showed him and landed on all fours, his feet stopping his momentum. Tommy leapt back at Technoblade, his leg out and heading for the intructor's head. Technoblade ducked and Tommy flew over him.

He twisted in mid-air and landed on Technoblade's back. Technoblade shot up and grabbed Tommy's hand, flipping him over his shoulder and into the sand. 

The air slammed from Tommy's lungs once more. He brought his arms up in a defensive position, covering his exposed chest. Technoblade only towered over him, one eye-brow slightly raised. 

Technoblade bent down and held out a hand to Tommy. Hesitantly, Tommy took it, wondering if this was another lesson. Technoblade only hauled him roughly upright and Tommy fought from crying out as his muscles pulled. 

He stood tall before he instructor and sank down, ready to fight again. 

Technoblade shook his head slightly. 

"You have done well Tommy, this lesson is over." He said evenly. He started to walk away.

"Thank you, sir." Tommy said, wincing at the effort it took to speak. 

Technoblade froze mid stride and Tommy wondered whether he had said something wrong. 

"Just Technoblade is fine." Technoblade said over his shoulder. 


"Hey Tommy—- Oh." Tubbo's face fell as he saw his friend. "You look terrible."

Tommy thought about answering but then decided it was too much effort. 

"Come on, let's get you to Hannah." 

Tubbo laid Tommy's arm over his shoulder and helped his friend stumble down the hall. 

Despite being beat up and deathly tired, Tommy felt a strange glow of satisfaction. He had not succumbed so pain and Technoblade had seen it. Tommy had triumphed.

Tubbo opened a door with a rose carved into the wood and entered. Unlike the various nurse offices Tommy had visited over the years, this office was a dark green, the walls made of dirt and glowvines hanging from the corners.

Ivy like vines and plants grew up the walls. Hannah sat by a wooden desk going over papers. She quickly stuffed them into a cabinet as Tommy entered and looked up at them.

She took one glance at Tommy and pointed to the bed that stood against one wall. Tubbo walked Tommy over and Tommy collapsed onto the bed, sighing with relief as sore muscles relaxed. 

Hannah walked over to him with a small jar and Tommy tensed as she dipped her finger in. It came out with a green paste. 

"Don't worry, this helps for stiff muscles." Hannah said softly, setting Tommy at ease. 

Hannah rubbed the paste on Tommy's arms and shoulders, asking him to lay on his stomach so she could treat the muscles between and around his wings.

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