Cure and Sickness

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Jack shuffled down the white hall. They had finally gotten a code red, the one the Boss had been waiting for. They had the two hybrid, the Umbre and the Lumina. The Boss would finally have the answers he had been looking for. 

Jack put his hands into his lab coat's pockets, fidgeting with his pen. He had been called in to study the hybrids today, they said it was an honor. But Jack wasn't completely sure what honor was these days. 

He walked into a hall, one that had glass covered chambers within them. He averted his gaze from the hybrids that lay inside. He felt some glares on his back, boring into him. 

He could endure this. He was doing this for a reason. Those stares would one day be turned on him and they would be thankful for what had been done to-- for them. He was doing all of this for him. 

Jack left the hall behind him and walked to the Receiving Area. He would be searching the Umbre and taking him to their specially enforced cell.

Jack opened the door and met the other scientist with a quick nod and awkward smile. 

"Hello, Jack, looks like it's me and you on duty today." She said, smiling broadly. 

Jack didn't know how she was able to smile when they did work. The things she had seen, heard, probably done. 

"Yeah, looking forward to it." Jack said quickly. 

No. He would not think like that. Thinking like that was treason and he was anything but a traitor. Had he not followed the law all his life? Done what they had said? 

He was anything but a traitor. 

Two Guards came in, pulling stretchers behind them. The two hybrids, the Umbre and the Lumina, strapped to the steel tables with iron chains. It seemed the Boss wasn't taking any chances with them. 

The Guards left them in the room and walked out, waiting outside for Jack and Ceceillia to finish their work. 

Jack moved to the Umbre and almost gasped in surprise. It was not a horrid monster, capable of tearing armies apart, but a boy that lay before him. The boy's face was peacefully tense, sleep leaving him open and still. 

Yet, Jack thought he could see lines of fear on the hybird's face. No, that couldn't be. Jack and the scientist of Cure, the humans, were the ones who feared the hybrids. 

They were monsters, creatures bred from an ancient sickness. When they drank the elixir, their true-selves were revealed right there, before they could emerge themselves and wreak havoc. 

The elixir and uncertainty that came with it was the only thing that kept the world from falling into chaos. Very little people knew this, but the elixir brought the change around before the hybrids could emerge normally. 

That way, when the people who had the Sickness emerged, they could be detained before they spread the disease. That's what the Boss told him and what the Boss said was truth. 

And yet, as jack stared down into the Umbre's face, his found himself doubting the Boss. How could the Boss want them to cut into this boy? He was barely past puberty and still had the lanky form of someone who had only recently gone through their growth spurt. 

"What are you waiting for?" Ceceillia asked, glancing at him quizzically. 

Jack shook himself from his thoughts and looked at her. 

"I was assessing him, sorry, it's just something that I do before I start." Jack said, nodding expertly. Yeah, right. 

Ceceillia nodded and continued her work. She stripped the armor from the Lumina's body, checking for weapons and writing things down on her clipboard. 

Jack looked down at his own subject and started the familiar process. First, he assessed the body, writing it on his clipboard. 


Entry 236: Umbre

Subject has two wings, black in color. 

Has a tail with a plume of feathers on the end. 

Subject appears to have sharpened canines and pointed ears. May have sharp hearing. 

Seems to have a well muscled body. Healthy. 

Spines down the length of spine.

Subject has black skin from elbows down. 

Powers: Unknown


Jack finished his evaluation of the Umbre and pulled the paper from his clipboard, fastening it to the table the hybrid lay on. 

The geneticists would need it. 

It was only when Jack glanced back to the Umbre did he see the black hand on his chest, grasping something. 

"Okay, Jack, I'll be heading out, I'll see you at lunch." Ceceillia said in way of goodbye. 

"Okay." Jack said and remained carefully neutral as she left. 

The door closed and Jack leaned over the table, gently prying the Umbre's fingers apart. 

He froze as he saw the small golden orb laying between them. He had never seen anything like it. 

It compelled him, something in his being compelled him, to pick it up. And so he did. 

As Jack's hand came in contact with the fruit something sparked within him. Jack stood there, frozen as his hand started to change. The edges of his fingers became a dark purple and he flinched back, as if the fruit had burned him. 

He closed his eyes and waited. 

He held his hand in front of his eyes and opened them. They looked normal. 

"Huh." Jack muttered, turning his hand this way and that. 

"Hey, you almost done in there? That one is scheduled for a scanning." A Guard said as he shoved into the room, causing Jack to jump. 

"Y-yeah, I'm done, I'm done, you can take him." 

"Alright, Freddy--" The Guard turned as he called out the door. Jack quickly reached out and grabbed the fruit, slipping it into his pocket. He didn't dare glance at his hand again. 

"--Come on!" Another Guard came in and, between them, they pulled the stretcher from the room. 

Jack winced as he thought about what the boy had in store for himself. jack quickly shook the thought from his head. That boy was probably a monster and had killed countless people. 

The Boss said that after humans became hybrids, they're mind are broken and they turn into aggressive beasts. All the hybrids wanted was blood. 

As Jack watched the stretcher, and the boy, round the hallway's corner he slipped his hand into his pocket by instinct. Something within him sparked as his finger came in contact with the fruit. 

Well, tonight when he went home he would have something interesting to investigate.

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