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This guy must be the boss they were talking about earlier. The Azure Dragon's boss...I haven't met many mafia heads and honestly I didn't want to. But that didn't matter right now, all I needed to do was focus on how I'm getting out of here.

Deciding that since he didn't know exactly where I was, the element of surprise was my greatest friend. I stayed put and heard him audibly sigh before his footsteps started coming closer.

As soon as I deemed the man's footsteps close enough, I curled my fist and threw all my night into this punch. My fist landed in the center of his face and as soon as he was on the ground, I hopped over these boxes and dashed to the door. I also made sure to fire a few warning shots around him so that he would have difficulty reaching me.

Busting out and slamming the door shut behind me, I saw some guy getting ready to come in, probably because he heard my shots. Before he could do anything, I ran up to him with the gun in hand and wacked him across the face with it and he went out cold.

I saw a car with it's door open and ran for it.

I've never driven a car before but there's a first time for everything. I knew most of the basics from watching all the fast and furious movies so let's hope that knowledge will get me out of here safely.

Throwing the car in reverse and then drive, I hit the gas hard and started driving the hell on out of there. There was a single road, probably leading back to the highway and as I continued on it, I quickly noticed that I wasn't being pursued.

Part of me was thankful but the other part was suspicious. Surely they would want to get their captive back but maybe they were afraid of making a scene and having police on their tails.

Well, I wasn't going to dwell on it for long since it worked in my favor.

Now I need to figure out where I'm going to go.  I wasn't going to go back to the estate because 1) they could easily find me if they wanted to capture me again and 2) I didn't want to. Even if my family wasn't home, I still hated living there, I have hated it since I was a child. That place holds nothing for me, not a single sentimental item that I could care to go back for.

And just then, I remembered my stash. There was a period of time where I had worked at a small store, the owner being kind enough to overlook the fact that I had no real proof of identity and allowed me to work for as many hours as I could without being found out. Eventually, my parents had caught on that I was working and had not only scolded me harshly but I wasn't allowed to go out of the house without a supervisor for an entire year.

That was back when I was in high school...well, home school. I had saved up all the money I had made from then and hid it away as well as some jewelry my mother no longer liked and wanted to just throw away. I planned to pawn it for some cash and get out of there but looking back at it, it really was a dumb idea.

Not many people are as kindhearted as Mr. Langdon was and would probably turn me away if I told them I didn't exactly have proof to show that I am who I say I am.

Sighing, I also remembered that I needed to ditch this car, it probably had some kind of tracker installed in it for protection purposes. I recognized some of the signs from when others drove me around, I always looked out the window and memorized the many things I've passed.

Making it to the park took a while (especially with me trying to drive safely) and it proved just how far out those men had taken me. At first I thought they were going to kill me but I figured they wouldn't go through all that kidnapping trouble if they had just wanted to kill me.

Now I was just curious as to what triggered all this. What had my father done to get this group on his back? Did he owe them money? Even if he did, he wouldn't be behind on payments, my father hated being in debt to others so I wasn't exactly sure what was going on but at the end of the day, I wanted nothing to do with their beef.

Parking the car as best as I could for my first time parking a car, I made a dash to the the park. I had hid the stash in dirt underneath the slide with a rock topped on it. Kids were nosy but I don't think most would sit under a slide and dig up dirt.

I took out the few hundred dollars and jewelry before pocketing it. I didn't head back to the car just yet and instead, I sat on one of the vacant swings. Matter of fact, this entire park was empty which made sense since it was beginning to get dark.

I remember coming to this park when I was younger to play with the kids in the neighborhood and while some were nice and let me play with them, most of the time kids didn't want to play with a random kid.

I let out a sigh. I was so tired, I haven't had a proper sleep in a so long and all I wanted to do right now was sleep. So standing up, I decided that I needed to find a motel to rest at.

I was going to get back in the car but then remembered that I needed to ditch it and figured I'll just leave the car here and walk to a motel. The park wasn't far from my house so if they found it here they'd probably think I went back there.


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