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E r o s

My footsteps echoed softly in the empty manor as I walked through it, everything and everyone had been removed from it at my orders. The only reason I was here now was to leave some things for Cole to help him find us.

I walked in to his room to see if there was anything I could do that would grab his attention. I needed to think of something that would blend in with his surroundings but not enough so that he wouldn't notice it.


Noticing the bare nightstand next to his bed, an idea had struck me so I headed out to the backyard. Cole often liked to take walks and the garden was just outside my office window so I'd sometimes see him when he did. He'd usually sit right in front of the tulips and just gaze at them, I could never tell what he was thinking when he did. Maybe I'll ask him someday.

When I got to the garden, I picked one of the tulips and headed back to Cole's room. Placing it on the nightstand, I looked for some paper and a pen and when I found some I headed back out to the garden.

Once I made sure my message was left properly and secretly, I gave a hum in satisfaction.

My phone ringing in my pocket caught my attention so I grabbed it and checked the caller ID.

It was Jamie.

"Boss, we've got a problem" he started and I prepared myself for whatever bullshit was going to happen.

"And what is it?" I asked.

"Adler is demanding things..." he said.

"Explain it to me more in person, I'll be there in 20" I said before hanging up. It was rude but just hearing those words put me in a sour mood again after I had finally sort of gotten out of it.

Heading back to my car, I gave one last look to the manor before sighing and shaking my head. These bastards are gonna pay for making us abandon such a beautiful house...

I usually refrained from smoking in stressful situations since I'm trying to shake the habit but I could really use one right now. This is so annoying and I just wanted to bang my head on the wheel.

Maybe I was losing my shit just a bit.

I did my best to focus on the road and make it over to the condo Jamie and Harvey were held up in but I just kept thinking about this whole situation and it only made me more upset. I had a little inkling of an idea of what Adler was demanding but I didn't want to jump the gun.

Once reaching the building, I parked in the garage and headed up, swiping my key that would give me access to the higher floors.

I rung the doorbell like a decent person and waited for a few seconds for one of the two to come open the door. I could always enter the code to their door but I thought it'd be rude to walk in on the lovely "couple".

I've known for some time that Jamie was in love with Harvey but Harvey is a dumbass at heart, who knew how long it'd take for him to realize that his best friend has been crushing on him. It's kind of hilarious when you think about it, it was like the plot of some kind of teen show.

So you could say me putting them in the same condo was my way of saying fuck and get together already. Or in nicer words, I'm playing Cupid.

Now that I think about it, why am I still waiting for someone to open this door? It's taking too long so instead of ringing the doorbell again, I banged on the door this time.

"If you two are fucking just let me know-" I was cut off by Jamie who immediately opened the door and stared me down with an annoyed expression.

"How wonderful of you to come open the door" I said sarcastically and Jamie's eyebrow twitched.

Kidnapping the WRONG Brother [MAN X MAN]Where stories live. Discover now