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"Load them up" Eros ordered, pointing to Terrence and Robert who were tied and blindfolded.

We were to meet up at the warehouse I had been taken to sometime ago with Adler and Francis along with some of Adler's men to discuss the problem at hand. Knowing Eros, he probably wouldn't accept anything less than having Francis in his custody, which is likely why he had us capture Francis' friend and cousin.

"Boss is on edge so please don't do anything stupid. We technically don't need either of you, so keep in mind that your lives hold no value here" Jamie said monotonously as he shoved the two in to the van.

"Harvey, you and the others are to stay hidden during the meeting. If anything goes down, you know the signal" Eros said and Harvey nodded before hopping on his bike.

"Wanna ride with me?" Harvey asked me in a teasing voice, wiggling his eyebrows as he held up a helmet to me.

"Kiss my ass" I grumbled before following after Eros to his car. Mikhail, Eros, and I were in one car while Jamie drove the van with Terrence and Robert, along with two other men.

"I have no doubt in my mind that this is going to go south, y'know?" Mikhail said as we pulled out of the driveway.

He was right, I also had a feeling that things were going to get bad.

"Be that as it may, I made sure to at least have the meeting on our grounds in order to give us a little home field advantage" Eros said, his eyes trained on the road.

"What's the advantage?" I asked.

"I ordered that all weapons be left in our vehicles to show that we don't have any hostility towards one another and that this is just a peaceful, talk it out, kind of deal" Eros explained and Mikhail scoffed.

"I doubt those shady bastards know the meaning of talking things out" He grumbled.

"I'm still not seeing the advantage..." I muttered and Mikhail turned to me from his seat.

"We've got weapons stashed in the warehouse but only in places we know. Such as the boxes in the main area, if you open them, you'd only see styrofoam and fake drugs in them but under all of it there's guns" He explained.

"Fake drugs?" I said, raising my eyebrow.

"It's just baby powder. Think of it like stage props" Eros said with a chuckle.

"I see" I muttered.

I tried to relax myself a bit, I wasn't nervous but you could say I could feel the adrenaline in my body prepping itself to be used just in case.

We arrived at the warehouse after a while and just a few minutes after, Adler's men had also arrived.

"Eric Adler, thank you so much for coming" Eros said as he walked over to the man clad in white. His suit was as sharp and the sunlight glinted off the many rings on his fingers. Adler dropped the cigarette in his mouth before putting it out with his foot. He held his hand out to Eros and the two shook hands.

Francis stood behind him, staring at Eros with a smirk on his face. Eros did nothing but smile back which caused Francis' grin to falter.

"My friends Mikhail and Cole here will go around collecting all of your weapons. As you can see, ours are already in the box" Eros stated as he pointed to the box full of weapons on the ground.

Having our orders, Mikhail and I began to take the men's weapons. I could feel their glares each and every time a weapon was confiscated from them, it didn't take a genius to see they were attached to their guns.

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