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After our long and hot time down at the beach, Harvey insisted we get food and head back to the villa to watch a movie. Of course there was a whole argument over what to eat, Harvey wanting sushi while Jamie and Mikhail wanted other things that weren't sushi.

Eros had somehow managed to nap his way through the whole thing, saying he'd eat whatever we decided to get as long as it wasn't carrots.

In the end, since Mikhail was driving we ended up going to get the food he wanted. After picking up our food and heading back to the villa, Harvey instantly plopped onto the couch and grabbed the remote.

"Since you guys didn't let me choose the food, I'm choosing the movie" Harvey said and just as he pointed the remote at the TV, Eros snatched it from his hands from behind him.

"Let you choose the movie? Maybe when I'm dead" Eros said and Harvey grew an offended face.

"What's wrong with my movie choices?!" He exclaimed.

"Other than the fact that they're all low budget and have horrible endings? Oh, nothing at all" Eros said before plopping down next to me.

"All of you guys suck ass" Harvey grumbled as he grabbed his food from the bag with a sour look on his face.

"Cut him some slack Eros, you have bullied him a lot today" Mikhail said and Eros' jaw dropped.

"Me? A bully?" He asked, offense written all over his face as he questioned.

"Yeah. First you tormented him with a frog, then the bugs and just now you insulted his movie tastes" Jamie said and Eros pursed his lips before turning to me with a look.

"Cole" I knew he was expecting me to take his side but for once, I couldn't.

"He's not wrong" I said as I stated at him, knowing full and well that Eros' hobby of teasing others could get just the tiniest bit out of hand at times.

Hearing a 'tch' come from Eros, he tossed the remote over to Harvey.

"Fine, you can pick the movie. Can't believe I got labeled as a bully" Eros last sentence was grumbled under his breath as he crossed his arms.

He's really like a kid who didn't get their's kind of cute sometimes but I said nothing and just began to eat my food.

"Yes! Thank you thank you thank you!" Harvey cheered as he hugged Jamie in thanks. Jamie's face reddened from the sudden surprise attack and Mikhail snickered.

"Nasty..." Eros muttered as he glared at the two.

"What movie are you picking?" I asked as I watched Harvey quickly sift through the many titles on the TV.

"A horror movie" he said and I tilted my head. Seeing my confusion, Mikhail's eyes met mine with a questioning look.

"Have you ever seen one before?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, not really. At least I don't think so, I've only seen a few handful of movies and I'm pretty sure they were all action based" I explained.

"You'll love this one!" Harvey said as he clicked on the movie and pressed 'play'.

The movie started with an eerie vibe, the music in the background playing a sinister melody as the camera panned around the darkened house. I stopped eating and watched intently as it slowly went throughout the rooms of the house, almost as if giving us a tour of the abandoned abode.

As the movie continued, it was very obvious to me that this was one of those possession kind of things I've seen in books. The female lead in the movie's body would twist and turn at impossible angles at times while black blood fell from her lips and I could only wonder how they managed to actually film this.

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