Q & A

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Andromeda: Hello, lovely readers! Welcome back to another Q & A, and if you've read my other book then you already know how these go. But for those who don't, you're about to find out.

Andromeda: First things first, greetings! I am your host, Andromeda and next to me are the members of the Azure Dragons. Say hello guys!

Eros: Hello *waves* I hope you all are doing well

Cole: Hi

Harvey: Smile Cole!

Cole: ...like this?

Eros: *chuckles* We're working on it

Mikhail: Welcome~

Jamie: 'sup

Andromeda: alright there is a LOT of questions so it's best we get the ball rolling on this! Also, readers, please feel free to give your own answers to some of the questions if you'd like! I want to get to know you guys as well!

Question #1, For Andromeda: Where are you from and what's your name?

Andromeda: Well, my name is as stated, Andromeda! I don't give out my real name since I can't let the FBI know my government hehe ;). As for where I'm from, I am from the USA!

Question #2, For Andromeda: What inspired you to make this story?

Andromeda: Uh, actually, I made it on a whim? I had seen one of those ship dynamic things and was like, this would be a great story idea and then I just began to build on it. I like to take cliche/trendy stories and put my own twist on them, I hope that has kept the story interesting enough for you guys!

Question #3, For Andromeda: How many chapters are there going to be?

Andromeda: I cannot give a definitive answer at the moment, but I'd say it's possible for the chapter count to reach fifty depending on the pacing of the chapters

Harvey: fifty...? Is there a vacation included somewhere in there?

Andromeda: I don't know, do you think you deserve one?

Harvey: That's cold

Andromeda: Just kidding~

Question #4, For Andromeda: Do you plan on making a sequel?

Andromeda: Another question I cannot give a clear answer, and I apologize for it. I don't know what direction I would go for if I were to do a sequel, so I just need to think on it. Please keep in mind; it's not a no but it isn't exactly a yes either.

Question #5, For Andromeda: Are you going to do a story with Carter?

Andromeda: No.

Question #6, For Andromeda: Will you write another mafia story?

Andromeda: If that's what you guys want then I have no problem with it. But personally, maybe not? Mafia is such a tricky topic to write about, a lot of thinking goes into it and I sometimes burn myself out when I think of how I should characterize some of the characters

Question #7, For Andromeda: Will we meet Cole's biological mother?

Andromeda: Keep reading to find out, is all I can say for now

Cole: ...

Andromeda: What's that look for?

Cole: Nothing

Andromeda: Okaaayyy then.

Question #8: How tall and old are you guys?

Andromeda: I am twenty and unfortunately 5'2. Send help.

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