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After Alistair and I finished our conversation, I headed back into the main room to find Cole. It wasn't hard, just look for the only guy standing by himself with a drink in his hand.

"I'm back darling" I said, resting an arm on his shoulder as I reached him.

Cole made no comment about my term of endearment and simply pushed the glass in his hand into mine.

"That Renard dude talks a lot" Cole stated and I furrowed my brow.

"Really? He didn't seem to be that way earlier..." I said and Cole shrugged.

"Yeah, kinda nosy but I guess he's okay. He even offered to exchange numbers but I didn't feel like it" Cole said and while my lover seemed all cool about it, I felt a part of me get ticked off.

There goes the jealousy alarm.

"He asked for your number?" I muttered and Cole nodded.

"Mhm. I guess he wants to be friends" Cole said.

Unease was tickling my gut so I downed the glass of wine to rid myself of the weird feeling. It's not as if I was bothered by the fact that Renard was being buddy buddy with Cole (okay maybe just a little), it was mainly the part where he knew me and refused to tell me when we had met.

I don't think I could leave here tonight without figuring out where we knew each other from.

Curse my curiosity.

Spotting the average height man from across the room, I told Cole that I'd be right back before approaching Renard. After passing off my empty glass to one of the servers, I reached my hand out to tap Renard on his shoulder.

He turned and I gave a smile that didn't reach my eyes.

"So, you mentioned that you knew me. Care to elaborate?" I said, getting straight to the point. I didn't need to pretend to have a decent conversation before dropping the question, the pointless chatter would not only waste my time but it would also irritate the shit out of me.

"No, not at the moment" He said and I was taken aback by the answer. What the fuck did he mean by 'not at the moment'?

"And why is that?" I said, trying to keep my cool but the urge to choke the answer out of him was clawing at me so I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"I don't want to ruin anything" Renard said, giving a cold smile in return.

"Well, side note, you've already ruined my first impression" I said and Renard chuckled, my irritation rising the longer that annoying smile stayed on his face.

To the outside, it would look as if the two of us were having a normal conversation but little did these people know, I was about two seconds from shoving my first in his face.

"That's quite alright with me" He said.

How exactly did Alistair meet this man? And they were good friends? I didn't want to believe it but Alistair seemed to be happy to introduce us.

Too bad I'm not liking his friend all that much.

I was contemplating on leaving but at the same time, my need to know things was grounding me.

Did he have some kind of grudge against me? I don't exactly remember every single person that comes in and out of my life but I did my best to know the names of those that work under me.

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