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Tw: blood

C o l e

"Jesus, Harvey, what did you do?" Jamie asked as he looked at the severed ear of some random guy Harvey was interrogating.

"Well, he was pretending like he couldn't hear me so I made it so he actually can't. At least in one side, if he behaves he gets to keep the other one" Harvey said as he wiped the blood off his hands.

The man he was interrogating was one of the guys from the restaurant that was still alive. Eros wanted information on who sent those guys even though he was very well aware of who did but chose to play dumb for the sake of having "innocence" as he puts it.

If they think we don't know, then they're more inclined to give us the information if we beat it out of them.

"So what did he say? Anything about Francis' plan?" I asked. Francis was the man we were supposed to meet at the restaurant and do business with, until those men, his men, attacked us.

"After cutting his ear off, I couldn't really make out much of what he was saying. He just kept crying about Francis this and Francis that. Can't get a reason out of him though since the sucker passed out from the pain" Harvey explained.

Shaking my head, I stood up. I was tired of sitting in this dingy basement that smelled like blood and some other nasty stuff, I needed some fresh air.

Walking up from the basement, I debated on whether or not I wanted to go outside or just go back to my room.

That is until my decision was stripped from me as I received a text from Eros, telling me to come see him. Sighing, I made my way to his office and when I got there, it was just him staring at some papers.

I knocked on the door to get his attention and then closed it behind me.

"How is the information extraction going?" He asked, eyes still glued to the paper in front of him.

"It's going as well as you can expect. He wasn't budging much but after Harvey...impaired him, he passed out" I said, trailing off as I remembered the man's ear just sitting in front of us.

"Ah, so nothing. Well, how do you fancy a date with me to a bar in midtown?"

It's annoying how I've gotten used to Eros' playful way of acting as if we're lovers. It was a pain in the ass but I've learned to just let it go, he wasn't serious anyways.

"I'd rather not..." I muttered and Eros finally looked up from his papers to give me a smile.

"You're my bodyguard, you never had a choice. I was just being polite" He said and I groaned internally. I just can't win with this guy...

"No need to dress any particular way, things might get messy if Francis is there...well, they may get that way regardless" Eros said, murmuring the last part and began to put his papers in a stack.

"Great..." I muttered.

"Are Harvey and Jamie coming?" I said, the thought suddenly hitting me as he mentioned we were going to a bar.

"You want them to third wheel on our date?" Eros asked, a frown on his face that I just looked at. Seeing that I wasn't finding it funny, or ever would, Eros let up.

"Harvey has gotten little to no information and Jamie has his own things to handle such as figuring out who the owner of that restaurant is. The faster we can figure out Francis' contacts, the easier it will be to pin him down" Eros explained and I just nodded.

"Meet me in the garage in 15" Eros said before I left.

After getting ready and putting on what I thought to be a decent outfit for this venture,
I slipped my knife in my boot and my gun in the waistband of my jeans before covering it with my shirt. Once I was ready, I headed to the garage.

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