Banquet [M]

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[A/N]: not full blown smut but still 18+ warning just to be safe!




E r o s

I was up a little after the sun had risen, not really wanting to go back to sleep so I just found myself staring at Cole who was snoozing away. He was never the type to let a good moment of sleep go to waste after all.

Not to mention that he's also tuckered out from last night, I wasn't exactly easy on him. Ever since our first time together the other night, it's been a battle, moreso for Cole than for me.

It was cute seeing him attempt to pin me down, I'd let him think he had me right where he wanted me before turning the tables on him. It really gets my blood going knowing that he was trying his damn hardest to top me, but what fun would it be if I gave in so easily?

Feeling some movement, I looked down and saw Cole stirring. He seemed to be awake but I could tell that his mind was still half asleep with the way his eyes weren't really open all the way.

"Rise and shine doll" I said with a smile.

"Mm...tired" Cole muttered groggily as he turned to me, his tired green eyes falling on my face.

"You're a menace" he said with a sulking look to him and I couldn't help the amused grin that took place on my lips.

"Am I now?" I asked.

"My back is killing me..." he muttered and even if he was acting upset with me, I noticed that he was moving closer before burying his face straight into my chest.

He's so cute.

"Sorry, guess I got a little carried away" I said as I pressed a kiss to his head.

Hearing the phone ring made me groan, who the hell was calling at almost 9 in the morning? It's always something with these people.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Eros, good morning!" hearing the cheery voice from the other side made me want to hang up but I knew better. Eloise was a persistent brat at times.

"'s eight in the morning, what could you possibly need from me?" I asked and I heard the woman click her tongue in annoyance.

"You know, men are so rude in the morning for no reason. I just wanted to know what time you'd be at the banquet tonight, we can ride together!" The woman said and I furrowed my brows at her words.

What banquet was she talking about?

"Banquet...? Tonight?" I asked slowly.

"Uh, duh. The super important banquet that Alistair is holding. He expects us to be there you know?" She said and that's when it came to me.

It was a while back when I got the invitation but so much has been going on lately that I guess I just forgot about it.

"Right...and what time is that?" I asked.

"It starts at seven but I figured we could be fashionably late and arrive around eight" she said, a giggle following after and I sighed.

"I see. Thank you, see you later" I said before ending the call.

Welp, there goes my plans of a relaxing evening.

"Alright, Cole. There is one last thing that we have to officially do before we can take our vacation" I said as I looked to my lover that was busy burying himself in the depths of the pillows.

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