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Why does it seem that no matter what I do, people always try to piss me off? I guess this was karma for how I used to be but at the same time, I think I've learned my lesson by now.

I was a nice guy, when I was in a good mood that is. Other times, eh, not so much but can you blame me? People can be annoying.

Not my Cole though, he's perfect.

Sighing, I rested my head on the back of the wall.

I was waiting outside of the room Alistair was staying in, ready to very much so snap Renard's little neck. I was being compliant when it came to tolerating his presence out of respect for Alistair and his wishes, but I've had enough of Renard at this point.

Once I squeeze his grievances out of him, I'll put him in the ground where dirt belongs.

I could imagine that Alistair was already upset with me due to my absence, I just hoped Rocco didn't throw the whole deal because of me not showing up. It really looked bad on me and I was only getting more and more irritated when thinking that Renard is the one to cause all of this.

While waiting, I also decided that it would at least be good for me to try and remember what exactly was causing Renard to try and get revenge on me.

High school...not a pleasant time for me really. That was around the time my life just began turning to shit because of my parents.

I had no idea when it started but once it did, it never stopped.

They argued every single day, most of the arguments starting from my mother always yelling at my father about his problems. Problems that only started after Kaya passed and even though we were all hurting, my father took it the worst.

Kaya was everything to him.

His little girl, his first born, and he was extremely proud to call her his daughter. He often paraded around, gushing about her, enough so that even I got jealous every once in a while but my mother and Kaya always consoled me after I complained to them.

When Kaya died, it was like a rift formed between all of us, she really was the glue that held us all together and without her here, we had no reason to stay as one.

Mother was depressed and had practically prepared her burial to take place in her work office while my father took to alcohol. I could barely sleep or even eat at times, thoughts of my sister who was always by my side plaguing my mind constantly. I missed her so much that I found myself at a loss of what to do with myself.

I can barely even remember what she looked like now, as well as my parents. When I think of my family, it's just blurs of people who were once alive. I don't have pictures, I had made the rash decision to leave them behind when I moved in with Auntie Leila but I didn't regret my choice.

Had I kept any photos, I likely would have hung onto them, leaving myself with a false sense of comfort as if they were still with me when in reality they were gone.

It was a few years after Kaya's death when it worsened, the tension in the house becoming suffocating and eventually my mother stopped holding her tongue. Whenever my father did something she didn't like, she picked at him. Picked and picked like a vulture at its food until he snapped at her one day and since then they had continued to argue.

The worst part of it all was that I did nothing to stop them. Not that I could do anything anyways, they stopped caring about what I thought a long time ago.

I hated going home so naturally, whenever I was invited places, I went. Stayed out as long as I wanted, hung out with all kinds of people, and just spent all my time away from that house. I would do just about anything to take my mind off of the fact that my parents' lives were deteriorating right in front of me.

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