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I feel like I don't say this enough but these situations I continue to get myself into fucking sucks.

I had to pretend to be a hitch hiker for a long, long time before some good samaritan stopped to ask me if I needed a ride. I felt bad about hijacking their car and leaving them stranded but I couldn't exactly have a civilian drive me back to the manor.

I at least made sure he had his wallet and phone before taking it, so that counts for something right?

But now I found myself swerving in and out of lanes, almost hitting others, and running a red light every once in a while. I'm surprised the cops haven't come to stop me yet but that would just be more of an inconvenience to me.

I really had no idea where I was going but I knew some names so I took exits with familiar names. I needed a map or something this is ridiculous. I think the car has a built in map but I'm not about to sit around and fuck with it til it shows itself. My brain already hurts from the stress of being on the road and possibly crashing in to something.

Did I also forget to mention that I hate cars? Well if I haven't, I hate cars.

It took a while before I started seeing more familiar streets and I let out a sigh in relief when I was finally on the right track to the manor. This was such a stressful situation that I felt like I could just pass out the moment I got inside.

I felt like I heard birds singing when I finally made it to the manor but the singing died out when I saw no cars near the drive way or in the garage which was open for some reason.

Shutting the car off, I got out of the death machine and walked up to the front door. I tried turning the knob and to my surprise, it was unlocked. It was deadly silent inside and my footsteps were the only thing I could hear as I walked throughout the manor.

I checked a few rooms on the first floor and that just confirmed my suspicions.

The manor had been abandoned.

That was the only answer I could come up with as it didn't look ransacked and the rooms I had gone in were bare of any personal items that may have belonged to the member occupying it.

I headed up to my room, I didn't have much in it but I was pretty sure anything I did have in there was gone as well. I noticed my door was open and I walked in, as I thought, mostly everything was gone.

My eye caught sight of something on the nightstand and I walked closer to it.

A tulip?

This was one of the tulips from the garden in the backyard, I'd sometimes pass by them and admire them from time to time when I went on my walks.

This was deliberately placed here because I would never pick a flower from its bedding. Seeing as there was nothing else here, I assumed that this was just a clue left for me so I headed to the garden.

I walked for a bit until I finally reached the tulips section of the garden. Nothing seemed out of place so far but then my eyes caught sight of something white peeking out in the dirt. I knelt down and pulled at the white item, which turned out to be a paper with some stuff written on it.

On the front was an address and on the back were some numbers. The first few numbers seemed to be an apartment and I guess the second set was the code? The paper was folded and felt a bit thick so I opened the fold and found some money inside.

Oh thank the heavens, I won't have to get back in that contraption again.

I pocketed the paper and covered the hole I had dug back up. I was gonna miss seeing these beauties every now and then but I guess this is for the best.

Kidnapping the WRONG Brother [MAN X MAN]Where stories live. Discover now