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E r o s

Everything at the hospital was finally coming to a clean end. Cole had been spending the past two weeks there gathering all the intel we needed and once that was finished, Mikhail compiled it all into a neat package for that cop.

We just had to do the drop off and it'd be set which is why I guess my mood was pretty good today.

No more hospital meant Cole wouldn't have to leave me for hours on end anymore and most importantly, that insignificant pest of a cop would no longer be able to hang around him. I could tell he's been sticking to Cole like gum under a shoe with the way his cigarette's could be smelled on Cole's clothing when he'd come home.

I wasn't being territorial or anything but I'd rather my scent on Cole than that weirdo cop's. If we had just threatened him a bit like I wanted to, this wouldn't be a problem...

"Whatever you're thinking of, please stop. Your face looks weird" a voice suddenly broke my train of thought and I looked over to the intruder.

Oh yeah, I forgot Caleb was here.

In fact he had come here to talk to me about something so I sat up a bit so that I could give him some proper attention.

"Sorry, what was it that you were saying?" I asked and Caleb sighed.

"I'm thinking of leaving" He said as he looked me in the eyes and I paused.

"Leaving?" I asked slowly and Caleb nodded in response.

"It isn't the same here anymore, if anything, ever since us coming here it's been one bad thing after the next. I'm not saying that it's all been bad, we've made some good memories here too. You've done lots for us by letting us join and whatnot, but I only did it because I was with Preston. Without him, I don't see a reason to be living this lifestyle anymore" Caleb explained.

Giving a hum, I folded my arms across my chest. I could understand why Caleb felt that way, when I first met them, they were all they had. Just the two of them and whatever happened between them before that was unbeknownst to me.

I wouldn't stop him from leaving if that's what he wanted but a part of me was hesitant to do so. The worry wart part in me that is.

"What are you going to do once all this is over?" I asked and Caleb shrugged.

"I don't know but I just don't want to be here right now" he said and I nodded.

"Are you going back to New York?"

"Not to stay, I just wanna check out what he left in that other locker of his. See if there's anything worth saving"

After he said that, I stood up and made my way around the desk.

"Well, wherever you do end up, take care of yourself and remember that you'll always be one of us. You can come back anytime" I said as I gave Caleb a firm pat on the shoulder. He just smiled in turn before speaking.

"Thanks but I promise the next time we see each other, it won't be under those circumstances" he said.

"Are you going to talk to Jamie?" I asked and the smile that was once on his face vanished without a trace.

"About?" He said, a disgruntled expression taking over his features.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that the two of you still can't have a decent conversation after 5 years" I said. Caleb's mood only seem to sour as I spoke.

"Why should I?" He muttered childishly.

"Because it'd be pretty cowardly for you to leave without apologizing" I said.

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