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Hearing the gunshots, we all grabbed our guns from the box and ran into the forest. Picking up my pace when I heard more gun shots, I could hardly see the scenery passing by me as I focused on making it to the others.

As soon as I managed to make out Harvey fending off two guys, I leapt in to action and roughly pushed one of the guys off him before knocking his lights out with a sharp right hook. Jamie was right behind me and he slammed his fist as hard as he could in to the other guy before kicking him away.

"Are you alright?" Jamie panted and Harvey nodded but he was clearly worse for wear as I noticed him grab his shoulder. There was a lot of blood dampening his sleeve and I could only assume it's a shot wound.

I looked around and saw a full on battle going on as some of our guys who were out in other parts of the area had now gathered here to help fight off Adler's men.

"What in the fuck is going on?" Harvey grumbled.

"I don't know but we need to clean this up fast"  Jamie said, pulling his gun out and readying it.

Pulling out my own gun, I clicked off the safety before firing rounds into heads that were exposed. It seems Adler had brought additional men of his own as I saw three cars recklessly parked near some trees.

Something landing next to my foot made me look down and my eyes widened as I noticed the round device. Smoke began to come out of it and being in the direct line of fire from it made me cough and my gun dropped from my hand as I fell to my knees.

"Cole, don't breathe it in!"



Different people shouting my name had filled my ears but it sounded as if they were drowned out as a drowsy sensation washed over me. Another shout of my name was the last thing I had heard before succumbing to the darkness.

~ with the others, third p.o.v. ~

Eros covered his mouth as tightly as he could while trying to fire at Adler's men but he was hesitant because he couldn't see anything. He didn't want to risk accidentally shooting any of his men or Cole who had been the first to fall unconscious.

This was the absolute worst outcome.

Eros was prepared for a brawl in the warehouse, not for them to take the fight to the forest. He cursed his arrogance when thinking about how he let Francis go, they likely planned that and guessed that Eros would allow him to run away simply because they figured he would have back up.

They had faked him out and it worked.

Eros didn't think that Adler would be bold enough to lie to him and now he couldn't stop thinking about how Mikhail was so very right. They're a bunch of shady bastards.

Several of his men had fallen pray to the gas that had quickly filled the air but that wasn't what grabbed Eros' attention. It was the sound of car engines starting.

Panic arose in Eros as he realized why they used sleeping gas and his eyes darted between the three sets of blurry taillights, wondering which one was holding Cole.

It was then that the smoke started to clear up and Eros tried to aim a good shot at one of the car's tires but it was useless as they had already began to drive off.

"Fuck!" Eros cursed as he dropped his weapon. Mikhail hurried over to Eros when finally being able to make the man out.

"No one's dead, they just wanted hostages" Mikhail said once he reached Eros. He could finally breathe thanks to the smoke being mostly cleared up.

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