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TW: blood, death

C o l e

For the first time in a while, I had woken up before Eros. His brown hair that was typically styled neatly was now a little wild, giving that obvious bed head look. I watched as his chest rises up and down softly as he lightly snored, his face being the most peaceful I've ever seen it.

My eyes flickered over to the time and saw that it was six in the morning, and I internally groaned. My body was still on its own kind of automatic schedule so I closed my eyes in defiance.

It had probably only been a few minutes when I felt Eros stir awake but I didn't bother to open my eyes, still wanting to cling to sleep for just a few minutes.

As he sat up, I could feel him pause for a moment.

"Good morning my love" Eros murmured, his voice still full of sleep but that didn't stop him from leaning down and placing a kiss on my head.

After that, Eros got up and headed to the bathroom that was joint to our room.

My eyes snapped open as soon as the door closed and I let out a shaky sigh. Did he always do that? God that was so cute, I'm gonna have a fucking heart attack.

Ignoring the fact that my face felt hotter than a sauna, I buried it into the pillow. I felt like a teenage girl, screaming into her pillow and yelling about her feelings minus obviously the yelling.

I preferred to yell internally.

As the shower ran, I sat up and gave a stretch before yawning. Looking at the date, I saw that it was December first and I couldn't help but think that the time was flying by so fast. It's almost been half a year since I met Eros and the others but because of everything we've been dealing with, I hardly noticed it.

Thinking about how quickly the time was going by also made me remember the deal that had been set in place upon me joining the group. That I'd only have to be here for a year and if I wanted, I could leave.

I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't still contemplating it, in fact, I pretty much knew what I wanted.

A warm touch broke me from my thoughts and Eros was in front of me, his hair wet from his shower, the water droplets sliding down his shirtless torso but as I looked I noticed he was only wearing pants. He was staring at me with a confused look on his face.

"What's got you thinking so deeply that you don't notice your hot shirtless boyfriend standing right in front of you?" He asked, an amused grin taking place on his lips.

"Hot, huh?" I asked, smiling at his playful attitude.

He's such a dork.

"Yes and all for-" Eros was leaning down, likely trying to go in for a kiss but his phone began ringing which made him pause.

"I'm two seconds from cutting that thing off" he said as he glared at it but reached for it nonetheless.

"This better be good Mikhail" Eros said upon answering the phone.

"This is not a leisure call, you need to get down to the port now. It's bad"

The way his normal mischievous air had disappeared in a matter of seconds made me worried. I stood up as I watched Eros walk briskly to the closet.

"Alright, I'll be down there in twenty minutes"

"Come on, Cole" Eros said as he tossed me some clothes.

Guess I'll just shower when we get home.

When we got to the car, Eros was speeding down the streets as if running red lights was a completely normal thing. He knew what roads to take in order to avoid police attention so I guess that was a good thing but it didn't do any good for my heart that was filling with dread the closer we got to the port.

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