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G a b r i e l

Nothing is going right and it was only a matter of time before I was going to blow my top.

"Where is Noel?" I asked my wife, Andrea, as I saw her just lazing about in the family room.

"I don't know where that boy is, he's never in one place" she said, waving me off as she continued to watch whatever show was occupying her time.

I narrowed my eyes but didn't say anything. I didn't need to have an argument with this insufferable woman right now.

I hated having to look for someone when they should be where I expected them to, which for Noel was typically his room or the family room but since Andrea is in the latter, I decided to check his room.

Not there.

Looking across the hall, I noticed that room's door was slightly ajar. Heading over to it, I walked in and saw Noel staring at something in his hand as he stood by the window.

Noticing me, Noel gained a nervous expression.

"F-Father" he muttered.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked and Noel shifted in his spot, likely trying to hide whatever he was staring at but I couldn't give a shit about whatever it was.

"Nothing" he said.

Ignoring his unnecessarily suspicious behavior, I spoke up.

"Get ready, we're going to oversee the drop off at the shipyard" I said before leaving the room, no longer wishing to be in it or in Noel's presence.

Just being in there and seeing Noel's face reminded me of the reason for most of my problems at the moment.


Ever since he took his little leave, trying to find him has been just one annoying roller coaster. I never thought the little bastard could have the gall to blatantly disappear on us, let alone manage to find himself associated with another group.

Just thinking about it made my blood boil.

I was doing his mother a favor by keeping him alive all these years when I should have just forced her to care for him on her own. But that pathetic woman couldn't even take care of herself, it was just sad.

I couldn't tell my family that I was keeping Cole because that woman asked me to, it's bad enough Andrea had found out I was cheating on her. So, I told them a different story, one that made her out to be some one night stand whore who threatened to expose me for money.

While the one night stand part was true, the rest wasn't entirely false. She didn't want the money for herself, she wanted it for Cole but she was afraid of parenthood. Laura didn't trust herself with the money or with the responsibility of taking care of Cole so she asked me to do it. I had no idea what she did with the money, maybe she stored it somewhere but who knows. And it's not as if I really cared either.

I guess you could say I felt bad, I was the one who got her pregnant, I had to take some of the responsibility. But taking Cole in was as far as my empathy towards her went. I made sure he could survive on his own and that's it, I didn't need him becoming attached to me or anyone else in my family.

He was a mistake that wasn't supposed to happen but the fact that my genes ran through him strong enough to make him look like Noel was just luck on our part. He actually had some kind of use other than existing.

I took care of him, fed him, and kept him safe all these years so you could say I was more than a bit pissed off when I came to find out Cole had run off. He has no idea all that I've done for him, it's a shame really. He'd surely be more grateful if he did.

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