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When hearing the gunshot and seeing Cole fall, it had all been as if it was in slow motion. My heart felt like it completely stopped as my eyes widened and I was immediately filled with that uncontrollable feeling of rage.

How dare they...?

I ran to Cole, my heart hammering in my chest so fast I thought it'd explode and there was blood on his shirt which only made me feel even more enraged.

My eyes looked around for the assailant and when I saw Francis on the ground, his hand still holding the gun, that was it. Taking my gun, I shot him clean in the head. It felt like all my anger at that moment had gone in to that single bullet and although I didn't feel better, it felt good to finally get rid of that bastard.

"Cole, just breathe buddy, we're gonna get you to a hospital" Harvey said, his eyes glistening as kneeled beside Cole. He was face down on the ground, not even moving and I could feel my blood growing cold seeing him like that.

With the way my heart felt like it was going to fall out of my chest, I knew it could only mean one thing.

I was scared.

Fucking shit, I was scared as fuck.

"...not dead"

We all froze when hearing Cole's hoarse voice and as if he was blessed by the angels themselves, he sat up on his own, though he struggled to do so with his face contorting into a pained look.

"Wha...?" Harvey's tearfilled expression quickly turned confused as all hell as did the rest of ours.

"I'm not dead, you can stop crying now" Cole said.

"B-but the blood...?" Jamie said and Cole shook his head.

"Not mine"

"What about the gunshot?!" Mikhail cried.

"Bullet vest took it" he said, pulling up his shirt and showing the bullet stuck in the back of his vest.

What the fuck.

Shoving Harvey out of the way, I inspected Cole just to be one hundred percent sure that he really didn't get shot and true to his word, there wasn't a scratch on him aside from the couple he must have got from brawling with the other men. Relief flooded throughout my entire being and I couldn't help but let out a relieved chuckle.

"I don't believe it" I muttered.

" had us all worried" Mikhail said, he had fell to his knees with relief after learning that Cole wasn't actually shot.

"I'm sorry...but I mean, you guys are also wearing bullet proof vests" Cole said, tilting his head as he looked among us.


The shock of seeing Cole getting shot honestly threw that fact out of the window, my fear taking all logical thoughts out of my head and replacing it with doubts.

"Well now this is just fucking embarrassing" Harvey said as he wiped his tears and for the first time, Cole let out a laugh of his own.

"'s nice to know that you guys care enough about me that you'd cry if I got hurt" He said and Harvey tried to throw himself on to Cole to hug him but I stopped him by holding a hand to his face.

"Be careful you idiot, he still got shot" I said as I glared at the imbecile.

"Sorry" Harvey muttered.

"Cole, of course we'd care. You're our friend now, don't you get it?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah...I know" Cole said, nodding his head.

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