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With the new information that we'd acquired from the unexpected source, Eros had started changing some things to his plan and before I knew it, he was already talking about striking.

Eros never missed a beat, not once as he spoke amongst us. I could tell he's been on edge these past few days, fingers itching to hit something or even pull the trigger on anyone who pissed him off. His blood lust for my father only grew with each passing day and it slightly worried me.

He had started smoking again, something that he said he wanted to quit but his stress levels were getting to him. I wouldn't question it but when I saw him having his third smoke in under an hour, I usually step in and take the pack. He won't ever be able to quit if he keeps going at that rate.

"There will be no talking, because frankly there's nothing anyone can say in this situation. However, if you have something you wish to ask him, I won't kill him as soon as I see him"

Eros had said that to me yesterday as we got ready for bed. I've been mostly quiet, feeling that after my irrational trip the other day, I should stay put. There were some questions I had but knowing my father, he'd choose death over being submitted into a position of weakness where he was forced to answer to anyone that wasn't himself.

"You okay?" I was brought out of my thoughts when Harvey had came over to me.

We were at the new base house, my first time being here actually, as we planned for what's to come in about two days time.

"Yeah. What's up?" I asked and Harvey shook his head as he sat next to me.

"You looked out of it so I thought I'd talk to you. This probably isn't really easy for you..." he said and I shrugged.

"Doesn't matter, it's not as if I was ever attached to him or anything. He's getting what he deserves" I said, not even realizing how cold my voice sounded as I spoke. My apathy towards the man knew no end and while I may have grown a sliver of pity for Noel, that was nonexistent when it came to my father.

"Well, what about your brother? And your mother?" Harvey asked.

"That woman isn't my mother, my father cheated on her with my biological mother. As for Noel, I'm not sure" I said with a sigh at the end. Thinking about all of this was just giving me a headache.

"This really is like those old soap operas" Harvey said, a tired chuckle escaping his lips but I just raised a brow.

"Soap opera...?" I asked and Harvey just shook his head.

"I'll explain it to you later" he said as he patted my shoulder before getting up and heading over to the others.

Brushing it off, I leaned back and closed my eyes. I knew these next two days were going to go by in the blink of an eye and while part of me didn't want it to, I knew that it was better to just get this all over with.

~ *blinks* two days later ~

It was time for the mission and the four of us were now headed to the garage.

"We're about to have an all out blood bath and you're bringing the sports car?" Jamie chided as we headed to our vehicles.

"Don't hate on it, if there's a possibility I may die today, I'm going out in fucking style. You guys all have to tell my story. "He drove bravely to the battle zone in his shiny red car" or something like that. And make sure to make it dramatic, I want people sobbing at my funeral" Harvey said before getting into the driver's seat of his car.

"This idiot watches too much TV" Jamie said as he followed after him.

It was just me and Eros together since Mikhail was instructed to watch over Carter until we got back.

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