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"The only way you two are going to leave out of here without a bullet in your head is if you explain to me how exactly Francis got out" Eros asked, his patience clearly running thin and I could see he was trying very hard not to lash out.

If this is what his contained anger looked like, I'd hardly want to see it unleashed. The two guards who had been on watch at the time currently looked like they were about to piss their pants and honestly, I don't blame them.

Mikhail, Jamie, Harvey, and I stood to the side watching the interrogation go down.

"We don't know..." one of them muttered.

"You don't know? I cannot and will not accept that as an answer. Why in the fuck were you two sleeping? Do I overwork you to the point where your bodies are so tired you can't bear to keep your eyes open?" Eros words were quick, sharp, and deadly. It left no room for objections or even justification and it didn't look like the two had any reasonings for their actions anyways as they quivered in fear.

"Eros..." Mikhail started but he stopped when Eros glared at him.

"Francis planned an attempt on our lives. I could have brushed this off if it was only me he tried to kill but just for the fact that Harvey, Jamie, and Cole were also there, I will not let this go. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you two right here, right now" Eros said.

The two had no excuse for their actions and bowed their heads, ready to accept the fate Eros was about to place upon them.

Listening to the conversation made me feel as if something was missing. A piece of information that would help all of this make sense.

I looked around the area.

There was a table with two chairs, though the table was clearly too far for Francis to have reached his hand through the bar and grab the keys on the guard's belt. Jamie also said that there was no signs of force on the bars, so that meant someone had voluntarily let him out.

If they had to use the bathroom or go on break, I doubt they would go at the same, one would stay while the other went. Leaving no room for Francis to ever be by himself.

But strangely enough these two both fell asleep at the same time...I wasn't sure if either of them were light or heavy sleepers but I'm pretty sure they'd wake up if they heard that cell being opened.

I looked back to the table and on it was a single plate, whatever had been on it was gone and nothing but crumbs were left.

"What was on that plate?" I asked, pointing to the plate on the table.

Everyone in the room looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Cole, this is hardly the time to ask how one's meal went" Eros said and I shook my head at him.

"Think about it. No signs of force and these two were asleep? Are they even known for sleeping on the job? Because I hardly believe you'd let them have this position if they were" I said and after those words, Eros immediately understood what I was getting at and I could see his shoulders relax.

These two were drugged.

"Answer his question" Eros said, turning back to the two.

"Uh...I don't even remember?" One of them said and the other nodded in agreement.

Walking over to the plate, I picked it up and smelled it. The crumbs left gave off a sweet aroma so this had to be some kind of treat.


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