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E r o s


That name was beginning to irk my soul to the very depths of hell. I had tried to be calm about this whole thing so as not to worry the others but I could feel my resolve slipping with each and every problem that man has caused me.

What gave that fucker the right to play god and decide my fate for me? For the others as well? To die by his poorly organized ambush?

Not even just me, but my other members were there, surely he had to have taken that in to account and decided that he didn't care about their lives. That their lives were beneath his desires, just thinking about it had my fingers itching to pull the trigger and lay a bullet right between his greed-filled eyes

"Eros" hearing Cole's steady voice forced me to bring myself back to reality.

"We found the kid. A young boy, Isaac, he can't be much older than ten" Cole said.

"Parents?" I asked and Cole shook his head.

"He isn't giving them away. As scared as he is, he doesn't want to see anything happen to them" He said and I sighed.

"Bring him here" I said and Cole nodded before leaving.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up in my chair. If this kid refused to crack, then I guess a few scare tactics won't hurt to see how long he can hold up. If he cared about his parents enough, he'd be smart to give them up and their reasons for their actions.

My office door opened once more and in came Cole with Isaac who was struggling against Cole's grip. So he's a brat? No problem.

"Let me go! I'll kill you!" Isaac cried as he tried some more to get out of Cole's grip. I was ready to reprimand the kid but Cole seemed several steps ahead of me on this one.

"Either you sit down of your own will or I'll strap you in that chair and leave you there. You won't be allowed to eat, sleep, or use the bathroom. Not only that, I'll turn you upside down and let the blood rush to your head until you die. Do you want that?" Cole's voice was sharp and stern as his eyes glared down at Isaac who had shut up immediately upon hearing the tone in Cole's voice.

Well...Cole surely has a way with his words.

Taking a seat, Isaac refused to meet my gaze completely. So I started the conversation with something that would grab his attention very quickly.

"Your parents are going to die because of you" I said simply and that was all it took for Isaac's head to snap up to me, eyes widened in fear.

"They are going to die because you sat here and chose to have sealed lips. Did they tell you not to tell anyone about what you did? Especially me?" I asked and Isaac did nothing but stare though I could sense the hesitation coming from him.

"Well, it's admirable that you're willing to keep such a big secret but you see, you're keeping information from me that I need in order to bring justice to a man who tried to kill me and my friends. And if I can't have what I want, then neither can you" After finishing, I waited for a few seconds to see what Isaac was going to say.

Truth be told, if the kid did give away his parents, I'd gladly let them live. On the condition that they leave the group and never come back, as that is the best deal I could possibly offer them. All the others end up with at least one of them dead.

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