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...it smells like the ocean?

That was the first sense that had come back to me and soon enough, my ears and fingers were twitching, trying to help wake me up. My eyes cracked open and I was met with the sight of a small bare room, nothing but concrete and me occupying it.

I sat up slowly and the sound of metal clanging got my attention immediately. My hands were chained and the chain was semi long. I looked down and saw that my leg was also chained, one side cuffed to my ankle and the other to a pipe. Well this is lovely...

How long had I been here? I was still wearing my clothes from the day of the meeting but they didn't smell bad so maybe not long? A few hours? I don't know.

Sighing, I began to try and remember what happened. We had the deal, deal went to shit, ended up fighting, and then they threw some kind of smoke bomb which turned out to be infused with sleeping gas. Now here I am, in some unknown jail, once again.

My ears twitched when the sound of faint footsteps suddenly filled them. The footsteps began to slowly become louder in the hall and I stared at the door, wondering who was about to come through it.

The door opened and I couldn't even find it in me to be shocked at who it was. I'd already made a few guesses and although he wasn't the first, he surely wasn't the last.

"You look pathetic" Noel said as he stared down at me, a cold look in his eyes that were also filled with what was probably disgust.

"Well we look alike so the same goes for you" I grumbled.

"Where the fuck have you been? Do you have any idea how pissed Father is? What were you doing out there with the Azure Dragons?" Noel asked but to all his questions, I just looked at him.

I was supposed to care about how our father felt? It was laughable. In my twenty three years of living that man had never stopped to ask me how I felt about anything, and now when I go missing I'm suddenly supposed to be worried about how he feels? Just the thought of it made me want to scoff.

Deciding not to humor him, I began to strategize my next moves. I could probably choke him out, I just needed to get him close enough to me so I could get him on the ground. It shouldn't be too hard and I had faith that I could do it.

But one thing I also needed to account for was my current location. There were so many things I didn't know about it, how many people were here, where 'here' is, and most importantly, the exit. Though that window over there doesn't seem too bad...

I can smell the ocean and if we're near the ocean then that means this is the outskirts of the city, just great.

"Are you seriously ignoring me right now? Quit acting like a fucking brat" Hearing Noel's annoying voice, I looked back to him.

I just continued to stare and that seemed to tick Noel off, I could see him clenching his fists but it didn't scare me.

He wouldn't hit me, he wouldn't hit anyone for that matter, he's never really had to. He's too much of a punk anyways, the rumors of him being untouchable and deadly in combat (thanks to me that is) has bloated his ego up so much that his head could burst at any moment now.

"You disappear for nearly 2 months, have us searching high and low for you, and suddenly think you don't owe any kind of explanation?" He gritted and I nodded.

"You haven't done anything for me that would make me feel indebted to you" I stated and it was very true.

Noel never questioned our parents actions, never tried to stand up for me or even ask me to not die in his place. He couldn't give a shit about me and it showed every single time I'd come home injured from some fight, or after being gone for days, he'd never be there to ask me if I was alright. If anything he'd just tell me to not get blood all over the floor.

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